Should I let someone see my kids who disrespects me and their dad and comments on our parenting when ever she sees us?

Growing up my mom had bad mental health me and my brother had to grow up sooner than we should if and seen things we should never of seen. Since having my children it seems like she is trying ti take over and boss me with my own children when ever she comes round she has something ti say but never says it while here always goes home gets drunk n kicks off on the night going on to all my family like were the worst parents ever and im getting really fed up she's my mom i love her to bits but i try my best for my children they will never see growikg up what i did so im getting really fed up of her making out im the worst parent ever like for example she would get drunk and carried home on people shoulders whils me n my beother just follow these strangers carrying my mom home.. and because my partner smokes (its not infront our children) she goes on were the worst parents ever n its always the daftest things ever but its really getting in the way now its getting to much and i just dont ni if i should still allow her to see my kids and me and her just not speak or? I dont want to spite my children they absolutely live her i want her to still see them and we just not speak as I've had enough of everything over the years tries reasoning ti get it to stop but never does just gets worse but for all i no she could be trying to question things drum things into their head and as they get older (they age 3&5) i worry they are going to start understanding things i can try keep them for hearing things etc but it ain't guaranteed would you let someone still see your kids who disrespects you and there dad i dont no what to think about it all im just sick of crying because when ever she sees us she has something new to run me down about when we have experienced so much even living with multiple family’s growing up she will still go on like she knows best and she's a better parent than me when i am trying so much😔

Should I let someone see my kids who disrespects me and their dad and comments on our parenting when ever she sees us?
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