Do you believe mothers are the first teachers of compassion in a child's life?

My mother is nice to strangers but is very abusive towards her own family and she is also extremely racist to almost all non white people, including many Chinese. She says it doesn't matter if non white people die cause their lives are cheap and not important are they are no more valuable than skunk.

Trying to be compassionate when you have a mentally ill narcissist that is always trying to ruin your life and abusing your dad in front of you and turning everyone who knows you against you with malicious and unfounded lies, is challenging.

But the bible says if you don't show compassion, you will not be given compassion by God. I had a lot of malicious people at church tell me I was evil for not loving somebody who has hated me ever since I was born, but its easy to judge when somebody else is being abused 300 times a day and it's not you.

Do you believe mothers are the first teachers of compassion in a child's life?
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