My nephew (19M) has a crush on me (25F). How should I deal with this?

I love him as my own baby, so when I first felt that his feelings for me was weird, I was shocked and sad. The way he treated me changed when he was 13. I thought it was a phase and believed he will grew out of it soon. He lives in a different district with his parents, so I thought it would be enough for him to move on. Recently, there was a family outing and I was hanging out with my niece and nephews. Throughout the day, he followed me around and stick close to me and refused to address me as his aunt and wanted to hold my hand when we walk or sitting on the couch. There were a few accidental brushes , but it didn't felt accidental to me...

Honestly I am sad and devastated. Whenever I look at me, all I could see is the newborn my sister brought home. So his behavior hurts me. I don't feel like sharing with my family. I don't want them to hate him or think he is weird kid..

My mind is a mess. what should I do now?

My nephew (19M) has a crush on me (25F). How should I deal with this?
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