Boyfriend is way too attached to his best friend

We've been dating for the past 4 months now and just since a week back we've began our long distance journey.

Ever since we began long distance, my guy hasn't been keeping much in touch with me. He says he's been busy and has to study and all. I don't expect him to anyway spend every hour of the day to message or call me, but at least he could respect the fact that we're on a long distance now and communication is very important. Love, Trust and Loyalty is completely there in our relationship. Only Communication is missing. I have tried keeping myself busy as well but still I miss him some time or another whenever I'm doing anything.

Only when I message him "I miss you", he replies back saying the same. Else he doesn't bother messaging. It bugs me thinking whether does he even miss me? :/

The 2nd thing that has been bugging me is that he has a best friend for many years now and ironically that guy is my friend too since a year.

Basically I met my guy through this same guy. Everything initially was awesome. But some time later it would just pinch me whenever this guy would be around. Because he would always come along with my guy when I just wanted to spend good quality time with my guy. Whether it's a movie or lunch or any outing, he would always be there even though he wasn't invited. And when he's around, my guy won't be himself. He is very conscious about people around. That bugs me.

My guy meets his friend every single day but when it came to meeting me, he'd make excuses and meet me just twice a week or so inspite of staying just 15 minutes away.

Just yesterday I got into an argument with that friend because he had deleted a picture of my guy and me which was uploaded by him in Feb during my guys birthday.

I don't know what was his need to delete it. I confronted him and first he says that he probably didn't upload it and then later he just changes his statement and gives me a very dumb reason for deleting the picture. I immediately caught him that he was lying.

He is a dear friend to both my guy and me. But there are times when I don't want him anywhere around us.

I called up my guy and spoke to him about the picture thing and he was in full support of his friend and the dumb reason that his friend gave. Over that my guy tells me that I agitated his friend and that's why he spoke rudely to me.I was crushed to hear that. I hate losing people I love the most. And I don't know but I'm scared that this same friend because of whom my guy and me met could be the reason for us parting ways some day. I don't want that day to ever come because I love my guy to death and each day even though we're on a distance I do my level best to make sure our relationship doesn't fade. I don't know what's his friends intentions. It confuses me at times.

Are all guys like this or is this odd? Isn't there a limit to "bros over hos"?
Boyfriend is way too attached to his best friend
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