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Questions: Family & Friends

Would you have kids if money was not an issue?

You would still have the stress and the sleepless nights and everything but you would know ahead of time you or your kids would never have to suffer because of financial problems. It doesn't mean unlimited money just a...
You would still have the stress and the sleepless nights and everything but you would know ahead of time you or your kids would never have to suffer because of financial problems. It Show More
I'd have kids if I was secure financially, but I'm not, so I'm waiting or not having kids at all
I wanna have kids even if I'm not financially secure, I will figure it out as I go
The money would help but I'm still not sure if I want kids
I won't have kids no matter my financial situation
It's not just about money I just don't feel like I've developed enough yet or there's goals I still want to achieve, things I want to experience
I'm too young to think about having kids
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How would you feel if your mom forgot your birthday?

It seems like every year my mom forgets my birthday and honestly Idek why I’m surprised anymore.
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Is it normal for female friends to sleep in the same bed?

For guys, we rather sleep on the floor than sleep on the same bed with our male friend.
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How old were you when you really felt like the real pain of loss?

There have been relatives I've known who have died, but generally we had not seen them in quite a few years at that point, so it was sad of course, but I basically got back to "normal" pretty quickly. There's not a day...
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Why does it seem time goes faster as you age?

I was just thinking about how long it took to get through highschool, but it was only 4 years. Im 30, and Now 4 years goes by with the blink of an eye.
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Anyone else hate their birthday?

Just turned 27 haven’t had a good birthday since I was 19 every year my friends or family let me down. Just turned 27 today what’s the first thing my mom does in the morning argue with me like fuck her so now the days...
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What bad advice have you be given that you hadn't realized until later in life?

I've always said for years, the best decision is always the one you make yourself. Everytime I've taken someone else's advice it always came back to bite me later on and sometimes I'll try something that someone told me...
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Why's preferring chatbots over making new friends a bad thing?

I prefer interacting with a chatbot over making new friends any time of the day because it's less draining comparing to face-to-face interactions in a social setting.
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Would you be friends with someone who keeps lying about their belongings, lifestyle, love life etc. ?

Soo... I know this person from another online forum. She seemed to be boasting about how every guy she knew was drooling over her. Moreover, she made people believe that she was about to become the next big thing! A...
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How is your relationship with your (opposite sex) siblings?

I've been lucky to have avoided any major conflicts with my sister, but for the past 10+ years, we've lived completely separate lives. When she roomed at home during school and college for example, she wouldn't interact...
I've been lucky to have avoided any major conflicts with my sister, but for the past 10+ years, we've lived completely separate lives. When she roomed at home during school and college Show More
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Which of these girls' names is the least feminine?

They all have boys names, except Traylor. Beau literally means boyfriend
They all have boys names, except Traylor. Beau literally means boyfriend Show More
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Do I have a right to be super pissed at a guy for stealing my phone and calling in a bomb threat at school?

This was when I was in 8th grade. So I was about 15. I had my phone in the gym lockers and set it down. After I had left, I realized I didn't have it, and I went back to get it. It was nowhere in sight. Next day at...
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Are you trustworthy person?

To be honest no I'm not.. what about you?
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Is it normal to have friends you talk to but never hang out with these days?

Like I'll run into these people, and we will talk and say hi for like 20 minutes, but don't actually ever schedule times to hang out. Maybe that's just normal for my age range? (34) I think people are just so busy these days.
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Is it ok for me to be angry at people who have deserted me. but still want me here?

So I got deserted and left behind, "abandoned," if you will. and nobody has had anything to do with me. Now that it has been such a long time, I decided to move away. They are trying to control my decisions and keep me...
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Should I have called the cops when I heard a scream?

A couple of hours ago I was in town working. I work by a neighborhood and I heart what sounded like a little girl scream. I assumed she was just playing so drove off. Should I have called the cops in case?
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