Beauty is Only Based on 3 Factors in My Hypothesis


Bellus (Latin) for Beauty, which translates to "fine". Beauty is simply based on three factors, in equal quantities:


Beauty is Only Based on 3 Factors in My Hypothesis

Parents, siblings, friends, co-workers, celebrities, famous people.

All these people mask and influence our perception of beauty. Maybe it's the comfort they give to us we remember, or maybe we associate certain looks with certain traits - as we use probabilities to help us decide what decisions to make. Next time you find someone attractive, ask yourself "what did they remind you of for you to perceive them as beautiful or handsome?"

Societal Ideals

Now this actually goes in hand with familiarity. As those who follow the trends become majority, therefore we are more familiar to them.

Yes we currently are in a tribe. The Western Tribe. Every tribe has its ideals and trends. Things we find handsome or beautiful in our tribe may be very ugly to another tribe.

Some images below of the beauty ideals that are currently happening around the world, which we do not practice.

Beauty is Only Based on 3 Factors in My Hypothesis

Beauty is Only Based on 3 Factors in My Hypothesis
Beauty is Only Based on 3 Factors in My Hypothesis
Beauty is Only Based on 3 Factors in My Hypothesis

Beauty is Only Based on 3 Factors in My Hypothesis
Beauty is Only Based on 3 Factors in My Hypothesis

Beauty is Only Based on 3 Factors in My Hypothesis
Beauty is Only Based on 3 Factors in My Hypothesis

This also gives us goals to achieve in our free time. It gives us a feeling that we belong to a group. It also increase sales, which profits the economy. Sadly, the media uses our negative emotions as they impact us more, to be consumerists. There is nothing wrong in consumerism but the way it's done is immoral. Anorexia, bulimia, obesity, depression, reduced self esteem are some of the by-products of this.

Hence my post is to increase awareness that beauty can be found in everyone, we just need to open our minds and truly see. Yes of course some people are sick, we shouldn't promote unhealthy habits. But isn't fitting a certain ideal unhealthy too?

We can see our ideals always change with time.


Biological beauty for women is knowing she is fertile and healthy, for a fertile and healthy man. These are signified with: a healthy amount of body fat, large hips, big buttocks, big breasts, long shiny vibrant hair, sparkling eyes, clear skin, pubic hair, pleasant natural smell, symmetrical face, fat cheeks in face, round features, round/oval face, good height, less fat on the stomach, symmetrical body, plump lips, strong nails, strong teeth, thick thighs, fat upper arms.

Biological beauty for men is how well he can produce, protect his offspring and look after his woman. This is signified by height, muscles, beard, moustache, symmetrical body, symmetrical face, angular face, thicker eyebrows, thicker eyelashes (men have more body hair), thick hair, pubic hair, pleasant natural smell, less body fat, muscular legs, big hands, big heads, angular body, strong teeth, sparkling eyes, clear skin.

This is actually the least important.

We live in a society where rules and regulations are very important. Therefore, the risk of going to jail, not being accepted in society is very important. Therefore, logically it makes sense to accept a mate based on societal ideals and familiarity, rather than biology.

A majority of humans would fit biological beauty standards. Why? .... because we are alive right now and that is beauty in itself.

I'd like to finish off with a question. If you are alone in the wilderness and have no human company, wouldn't any companion that comes your way become beautiful within time?

Lets not let a few years of our lives rule the entirety of our life due to #beauty.

Beauty is Only Based on 3 Factors in My Hypothesis
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