Why I Shaved My Head, Threw Out My Makeup, and Gave Up on Chasing Beauty

Why I Shaved My Head, Threw Out My Makeup, and Gave Up on Chasing Beauty

A week ago, one would have looked at me and seen a typically appearance obsessed girl. My YouTube history is full of make up tutorials, I've mastered the art of a cut crease to hide my hooded eyes and I can make over lined lips look natural. I have hair extensions, my nails are always done. I have a tray full of fake eyelashes, a closet full of clothes. I spend 6 days a week in the gym.

And yet, with all the money I've forked out over the years, I found I hate myself more and more as I age. I understand that many women love make up for reasons other than to hide themselves, but I spend so much just to try and like myself more.

I think make up is wonderful, but there's something wrong when you're not doing it for fun or expression, or to enhance the parts of your face you love.

Why I Shaved My Head, Threw Out My Makeup, and Gave Up on Chasing Beauty

My vanity doesn't stem from self love. My sweat in the gym isn't because I wish to live a healthier life for longer. It's because I feel that if I don't have anything else going for me, the least I can do is try to grow my ass.

Now, I promise I'm not crazy. I regard myself as a rather logical and stable person. But one scroll through instagram has me dissecting myself in front of the mirror. Why am I so flat chested? Why is my waist so straight? Why aren't my hips round? Why are my lips thin, why does my body store fat evenly instead of in an hourglass manner like a "normal" girl? Remember that I tell you I'm sane when I tell you I've been to doctors begging for estrogen pills because I thought I must have meant to be born a man and wanted to undergo sex change therapy through pills despite having a vagina and a period. My blood tests are normal, so I guess I'm a girl.

This started a long time ago. When I was 8, I had a jar on the fridge where I'd put my pocket money. I was saving for a boob job. At 8 years old.

Around 12, my goals were different. Big booties weren't "in" and I just wanted to be skinny. I'd abuse laxatives and eat raw chicken breast trying to make myself sick to throw up my food. It never worked for some reason. We went to dinner for my mothers birthday and I overate. I felt so horrible that o went home and demolished a tray of rocky road slice that my mother had made. That set off bulimia.

A few years back, when the booties started becoming popular, I figured it was better to be skinny than try and compete. At least people would look at me and just see a skinny girl rather than some disfigured body shape that I thought I was. I don't have an hourglass figure. So, I stopped eating and started training in the gym for 4 hours a day. I lived on frozen carrots and egg whites. I pumped Redbull all day and smoked 40 a day.

Why I Shaved My Head, Threw Out My Makeup, and Gave Up on Chasing Beauty

So, I was skinny. I couldn't sit without a cushion and I got bed sores from my bones rubbing through my skin onto the mattress. My heart rate dropped down to 32 beats per minute and I just walked around like that. That heart rate was normal for me. As we're dizzy spells, anxiety in crowded places, shakes, hair loss and pins and needles in my left hand. I even tried to talk my partner into having a child because being pregnant meant I could eat without guilt. I didn't want a baby, I wanted permission to eat. Luckily, we couldn't do that anyway since I hadn't had a period in 9 months.

This was around the time I shaved my hair off. I'm not sure what happened there. I just got so frustrated about never being attractive. I felt that people dismissed my issues regarding body image and I get it. Not having a big booty isn't a reason to be suicidal but for some reason, it tore my life apart. Maybe the head shaving was a cry for help? "Look at me! I'm feeling so bad over something I KNOW is stupid but I'm going to do something so drastic you'll HAVE to realise how much I'm suffering!"

I eventually recovered. I realised that there's people out there without legs and here I was killing myself because I didn't have an hourglass body. And I got scared. I didn't want to die. Recovery was hard. Probably the hardest thing to accept was portion sizes. I wanted to eat and get better, but a normal plate of food looked like a whole weeks worth of food to me. Eating was painful, physically. But I remember the day I beat the disorder when I ate a piece of peanut butter-jelly toast.

Since, I've been a lot better. But things still get me down. Yesterday, I started crying in the gym. Thank god it was 5:00am and nobody else was there. It was because my ass and waist aren't curvy.

But this time, instead of going home and becoming a hermit again, losing my job and friends because I shut myself inside and want to wallow in my self hate, I gave up on it. I didn't want to feel bad. I was too tired for it. Let me tell you, even if depression has you spending all day in bed, it bloody takes it out of you. I just don't have the energy to fight myself anymore.

So, I decided I would give up. I'll let it win this time. I gave away all my make up, my hair extensions, my self tanner my hair tools. I got dressed and was out the door in half an hour because I didn't wear any make up and I just put on something sensible. I've found a new gym routine that focuses on strength instead of aesthetics. I'm going to start running. I love running, but I avoid it since it tends to slim out the legs.

Why I Shaved My Head, Threw Out My Makeup, and Gave Up on Chasing Beauty

And do you know what? I feel free. So freaking free.

I'm giving the finger to beauty and I'm going to focus on all the aspects of life that would usually be overshadowed. I want to go back and start studying online. I want to go out with friends and not be so hung up on how everyone looks better on me. I want to have sex with my partner without a shirt on, and I want to do the things in bed he has always wanted to do but I wouldn't do because I was worried how my body would look. I want to go to the beach with him and not feel insecure around girls in bikinis. I want to give him the attention he deserves for sticking with me through all this. I want a good income, I want to grow and thrive. It feels amazing.

The purpose of this MyTake was to share my own story through body acceptance. I know there are girls and guys out there who base their entire worth on their appearance. But can you imagine what we as a society could accomplish if we simply dropped all this bullshit? Imagine all the scientists, artists, activists and more that would crawl out of the woodworks if they stopped letting their never ending lusting after conventional beauty get in the way of what's important to them and the gifts they are blessed with? Imagine if we each learned to love ourselves and find joy in where we are right now? Imagine if we focused on improving everything else about ourselves. Imagine if we stopped gauging people's status via where they might lie on an attractiveness scale?

This Take was rather hard for me to write, but not as hard as it was to accept myself. Now, I'm out to find what I love and to excel in it ferociously. I hope the rest of you girls who don't look like Kylie Jenner will do the same. Life is too short. You won't lie on your death bed and think about how great your ass looked in GymShark leggings.

Why I Shaved My Head, Threw Out My Makeup, and Gave Up on Chasing Beauty
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