Full Lips: Is It Attractive, Exotic or Unappealing?


As a woman of color in the states, I would always stand out, even within my own race. The differences in my appearance would always make people wonder, especially those that belong to the European (White) race. My traits are unique and that intrigues others. For example, possessing full lips. Here's a picture of me:

These are Recent Pictures of Myself
These are Recent Pictures of Myself

Many men and women find that women who possess full lips to be attractive. They realize how "exotic" is makes one look. How fascinating it is ones lips can look like. However, there are others who may find it unappealing, too big, disgusting... yes, disgusting.

Yes, it's true that people of a certain background (including women of African, Middle Eastern and Latin/Hispanic Background) have traits for these unique, beautiful, natural looking lips, but the media and western standards have not always seen it in that light. Here are some pictures of "women of color" who possess this trait:

Jill Marie Jones
Jill Marie Jones
Middle Eastern Woman
Middle Eastern Woman
Afro American Instagram Influencer
Afro American Instagram Influencer
Latina Woman
Latina Woman
Latina/Hispanic Woman
Latina/Hispanic Woman

Due to Eurocentric beauty standards that have affected how a woman should look worldwide, having full lips have became a trend, within the past decade. Let's take for instance, the "Kyle Jenner Challenge", "Lips fillers", or even using makeup to create the "illusion" of one possessing fuller lips 💋 Even since Bratz have made their comeback, having full lips became more desirable, especially among the younger generation.

Ever since Bratz made their first debut in 2001, they were viewed in not the best light. They were critized for their skin tones, hair, clothes and for their iconic lips 💋

Jade, Yasmin, Sasha and Chloe
Jade, Yasmin, Sasha and Chloe

For over many centuries, in certain cultures in parts of the world, a woman who possessed such lips was viewed as beautiful. Within their culture, it was a beauty standard. But for the past decade, it has become a trend in the Western world. My lips are not a trend! It is not fad. It is not something that I can just paint on and take off whenever. It is part of me. It is what I was born with. It is something that is in my DNA to have. I am grateful for the lips that I have and wouldn't change them. The only thing I don't like is to be judged for something that I was born with (and other women I see whose lips are naturally full) being deemed as unattractive and ugly, but then see s White model or actress with full lips and gets praises for it and see men in love sith the lips that they paid to have what I got!

Now, there are some White women out their with natural full lips, somewhere. But every other White girl that I see on Instagram or Tiktok with full lips seem to have them just for clout (followers and likes) and attention from the opposite sex. They either use a filter, makeup and there are other options available, as well.

This MyTake is to bring awareness to the topic of appropriating and profiting one's culture and identity. Although it is not my business as to what one does with their body, I at least want them to be conscious of those women who are judged for having such lips and to be supportive 😊 Thank you for your time to read this MyTake. Much appreciated 🙏🏽

Full Lips: Is It Attractive, Exotic or Unappealing?
45 Opinion