Are people in their prime at their thirties look-wise?

I'm going to start off by saying that it's obvious that people have different ages when they peak, but I just want to hear your opinion in general.

I had this conversation with my boss, who is a professional photographer. She thought that most people look their best at their thirties, because these sort of child like features have disappeared. No more puffy cheeks and more of a defined mature look.

I'm still in my twenties, so I couldn't tell for sure, because I haven't known that many people from when they were younger to when they were over thirty to make that judgment. But I kinda saw truth to that, because I desperately still look like a child and I am waiting for that sort of transition to happen to a more mature look.

So I would just like to ask what do you all think? What age do you think people look best in general?
Yes. I think that in general people look the best in their thirties.
No. I don't think that in general people look the best in their thirties, but rather?
I don't know./I just want to know what other people think.
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Are people in their prime at their thirties look-wise?
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