How to stop feeling inferior when this happens?

I get told a lot that I’m a very beautiful girl. Not all the time but often. I wear basic makeup everyday which I honestly look the same with and without it I just have a few blemishes. I feel like I have the kind of beauty that isn’t striking to men almost like hotness. I think I have more of an aesthetic beauty. I get a lot of compliments from teenage girls and I’ll get a guy to call me pretty or hit on me every once in a while. I even get told I should model by older women.
I don’t get hit on often but I do get some stares. I never compare myself but my sister on the other hand gets hit on ALL the time. She’s always been good with me and has no problem findi multiple guys to talk to. I’ve never be n the type that had numerous guys follow me which honestly hasn’t really bothered me. I do have a boyfriend now. She’s also beautiful and gets told so but I think she’s more so in the conventional way. We’re on vacation rn and I honestly hate going on vacation because I always have to hear about how when my sister wondered off by herself for 5 minutes some guy hit on her or tried to talk to her. Or how some guy wouldn’t stop staring at her. Not to say this dosen’t happen to me because I rarely go off on my own but it’s frustrating becuase it dosen’t really happen to me lol. How do I stop feeling inferior and learn to be happy with who I am?
How to stop feeling inferior when this happens?
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