Am I wrong for agreeing with incels on some of the things they point out?

Like when they say that looks are very important and talk about the halo effect (Halo effect- associating good characteristics with people based on their physical attractiveness), i don't think they're wrong or over exaggerating (granted they exaggerate on some things). They also say that looks aren't that subjective which is true. Most of the time subjectiveness is based around the same kind of people. Looks will never be subjective when you put a 3 or 4 next to a 7 or 8. So i don't think they're wrong on that either. It's human nature though and you should never complain. Good looks are associated with good genes and we're hardwired to seek these things out. But i feel like because i agree with them on some things, im going to get labeled a misogynist or even be called an incel myself when i don't agree with everything they talk about just some things.
Am I wrong for agreeing with incels on some of the things they point out?
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