What do you think about this coat? Does it suit me or not?

I buy black outerwear almost everytime, last time I managed to stop myself when I was yet again reaching for a black leather coat and in its stead bought a classic beige-y white trench coat.

I do love the color and the style, even its length but I dunno, I'm not used to wearing this style.

Should I keep it or go back to black coats?

What do you think about this coat? Does it suit me or not?
What do you think about this coat? Does it suit me or not?

I chose two pictures to show off the coat's color better.

I'm just really light, hair and skintone, the change of my outerwear's color is welcomed by others though

Keep it
Go back to black
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What do you think about this coat? Does it suit me or not?
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