To the people who also enjoys interior design try to show or tell what kinda of room themed you have been interested in creating for your homes?

Basically this question is for those ladies and gentlemen who likes to decorate their personal building they sleep in known as their homes. Do you guys and girls have a specific themed you want to design for your spaces or is it just random for you people in terms of decor?

For me personally I have been flip flopping in terms of traditional Japanese and French decor for my future dream home. Basically I will create my bedroom in the style of a traditional Japanese bedroom and it will have a matching Japanese style bathroom. While my idea living room and it matching bathroom will be decorated in a French themed but give it more of a masculine feel because majority of the French decor look way to girly.

My other idea for my future home is a Persona themed that dedicate each game color. My bedroom will be blue to represent the depression of Persona 3, the bathroom will be sun shiny yellow to celebrate Persona 4, while my kitchen is going to be rebellious red for the Persona 5.

I still have lots of years before I buy my own house but I still have quite a lot of plans on what I want my house to look like. But what about you guys and girls out there what types of decor and style you have for your future homes or if you already have your dream home what is the style you went for.
To the people who also enjoys interior design try to show or tell what kinda of room themed you have been interested in creating for your homes?
To the people who also enjoys interior design try to show or tell what kinda of room themed you have been interested in creating for your homes?
To the people who also enjoys interior design try to show or tell what kinda of room themed you have been interested in creating for your homes?
To the people who also enjoys interior design try to show or tell what kinda of room themed you have been interested in creating for your homes?
To the people who also enjoys interior design try to show or tell what kinda of room themed you have been interested in creating for your homes?
To the people who also enjoys interior design try to show or tell what kinda of room themed you have been interested in creating for your homes?
To the people who also enjoys interior design try to show or tell what kinda of room themed you have been interested in creating for your homes?
To the people who also enjoys interior design try to show or tell what kinda of room themed you have been interested in creating for your homes?
6 Opinion