Should I get a hair transplant or just stay bald?

I’m 27 years old and have never had a girlfriend. Due to a condition I have, I went bald at 23. The hair on the back of my head and sides grow normally, but the hair on top is too thin and barely grows. So going bald is the most cost-effective way for me to look presentable.

I don’t get as many dates/matches as my friends who have a full head of hair. When I go to speed dating events in person, women 10-15 years older usually choose me. I want to date a woman my age or younger.

One of my friend’s girlfriends told me that I should grow an afro. A friend of mine said that I need to get a hair transplant. The consensus is that women love hair. I understand that, but despite my condition, I love myself and don’t want to change. However, I want a girlfriend and eventually a wife, so I’m weighing my options.

I went to a barber and he was going to put me on a treatment plan where I’d have to come to his shop at night on a weekly basis and pay $1000/month. That’s outside my budget.

I’ve also looked into getting it done in Turkey for $3000. But I’d have to wait until next year. I need to save money and vacation days for that.

As I said before, I don’t want to change, however if this will lead me to finally getting a girlfriend, I’m willing to save up for it. When I was younger, I was too much of a nerd, reserved, and focused on school. Now I’m more sociable and ready, however I just keep getting rejected. Plenty of women want to be friends, but nothing more.

Any other men have their baldness get in the way of them dating? Did you get a hair transplant or no?

Get a hair transplant
Stay bald
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Should I get a hair transplant or just stay bald?
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