What does your generation consider to be cool/lame?


I was talking with my little cousins who are becoming impossibly cool friends as they grow from kids to adults. I’m kind of the cool older cousin to them, at least for now, but that should fade any day now😂 But I like to stay at least a little bit up on what’s going on, and I’ll ask them about Gen Z stuff and they’ll be like “we didn’t even know about that”, haha.

Around the time I turned 30, there was a changing of the guard, and the young Gen X people got phased into “old”, and the older Millenials were dictating what was hot (think early 2010s). All of a sudden what was cool for me became uncool, and the younger kids, who just a few years ago were literal children whose opinions I wouldn’t even consider, let alone care about, are now showing up in all their neon colors and listening to EDM, or they were hipsters with beards and flannel shirts and craft beers, or for us hip hop heads, the baggy clothes got traded in for skinny jeans (thanks, LiI Wayne😒), and they’re clowning on us people who were still cool like two months before, lmao.

Now I’m seeing another changing of the guard, and the Gen Zs are paying back the Millenials who tried to big time me 10-12 years ago…. THANK YOU🙏😂 Eat a dick sandwich, millenials, it’s your turn now…. not so funny now, is it?😝 I kid, I kid….

Anyhow, my cousin, who’s 20, I was commenting on how she and her sister were wearing baggier pants and that they look a little more like what I’d have worn in the 90s. We were just generally talking about style shifts, and I was saying when I was her age we wanted to get away from what people dressed like in the 80s, then we did the same in 2000s about the 90s, and so on.

She said “oh yeah…. like 2016, that’s totally out.” That kind of blew my mind because your perception of time passage changes as you age, at least for me, and 2016 is practically yesterday, lmao. Two years to her is like ten years passage of time to me.

So how old are you, what was your heyday, and what’s peak lame?

What does your generation consider to be cool/lame?
10 Opinion