Can I just skip the conditioner or use any alternative of it as it never suits me?

I struggled all my life to find suitable hair products for my hair. Finally I found a shampoo which suits me so well even though it doesn't fulfill the requirement of being sulphate free but it really suits me. I found out my hair prosity was low so I started using light oils like almond oil , mixing it with little amount of thick oil like castor oils works really great on my hair make them so soft smooth and shiny. My hairs feels good but the results I want like those fantastic ones where they look saloon styled I m not getting that. I have ever used conditioner as it weight down my hair and make them look fine (I don't have thick hair ) . So I always skipper conditioner (tried many , none suited) . I Thought to move toward silicone free conditioners but they are so expensive and not easily available in my country even If I buy it once somehow won't be able to find it again here. The only issues I feel in my hair is when I brush them they look great for a while but then they start detangling and become wavy. I guess I should use conditioner but as none suits me can you tell me some alternative? I have listened people saying apple cider vinegar will help but I m not sure how to use it. even finding pure apple cider vinegar is hard here. Can u tell me an alternative that's easily available?
Can I just skip the conditioner or use any alternative of it as it never suits me?
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