Looks vs Personality?


I'm often confused by these types of questions. Isn't looks a part of the way to determine someone's personality?

At least with the way my brain works, looks are a way of assessing personality and character traits along with the sound of a person's voice, how they smell, how they walk, how they dress, what they say, what actions we can observe them taking, etc.

So it doesn't make much sense to the way my brain works to ask whether looks or personality is more attractive, since I see looks as one part of the puzzle piece to try to determine someone's personality. It's all part of the data we analyze to try to figure out who someone is and evaluate their desirability to us, isn't it?

Is what popularly constitutes as "looks" purely trying to focus on the more outwardly characteristics of a person like their potential fertility, the clearness of their skin, their fitness or lack thereof? Even then, aren't those indicative of personality traits?

For example, I would assume that someone with nice skin is someone who cares about skincare and health and possibly their appearance. I would assume someone who is very fit is someone who might has athletic interests as part of their personality, or just cares a lot about their health and/or possibly appearance (I can resolve this ambiguity after collecting more data, such as talking to them). I'd assume a woman that applies cosmetics very well has some artistry and interest in that respect.

I hope people will forgive me if this question is strange yet it just doesn't make any sense to my brain to pit looks against personality this way. To me that's like asking what's more important: the visuals in a movie vs. the movie. The visuals are a part of the movie and watching them is a big part of how we tell what the movie is (along with hearing the audio in the movie).

2 mo
I can definitely see some traits we might not associate whatsoever with someone's personality when we assess their looks like fertility, e. g. We probably wouldn't lump fertility into personality (although a body that appears fertile might suggest that someone has a personality which values and looks after their health). Still, such purely bodily traits are generally only a small subset of what I suspect we're assessing when we look at someone.
2 mo
A hypothetical: suppose there are two identical sci-fi-style clones of each other. But one is engaged in debauchery (say having an orgie) and dressed in the most tasteless fashion you can imagine and unfriendly body language, and the other is the opposite. Would you say they are both equally good-looking? I wouldn't because I would find the latter case to have what appears to be a better personality, and therefore better-looking.
Looks vs Personality?
5 Opinion