Do you think there's an imbalance in how revealing men's swimwear is vs. women's swimwear?

Does there seem to be a disparity in what swimwear is normalized for women vs. men? Obviously there's a wide variety of swimwear, and women can and do wear one pieces and burkinis, and men can and do wear thongs, but as to what's typical, such as in the photo provided, in the level of how revealing women's is vs. men's? Like, it's more socially acceptable/normalized for women to have brief or cheeky bottoms, but less so for men (although I know that also varies depending on where in the world you are). Yes, it's far more normalized for men to go topless than for women, so do you think that this is part of it? Is it more within social norm for femininity for a woman to show more, whereas for a man it's over-sexualized masculinity to wear something as, or similarly, revealing? What do you think?

Do you think theres an imbalance in how revealing mens swimwear is vs. womens swimwear?
Maybe (more nuanced)
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Do you think there's an imbalance in how revealing men's swimwear is vs. women's swimwear?
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