When you are applying it, are you putting it the way what makes you think makes you look pretty or is it what you think the public or work considers pretty or formal looking?
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I don’t wear a lot, but what I do put on is to my liking, not what I think others want to see.
I don't wear a lot of make up, but what I do wear is based on what I think looks nice 😊
When I apply makeup, it's definitely about what makes me feel pretty and confident. It's like a little form of art, enhancing features I love and playing around with looks that reflect my personal style. Of course, sometimes I’ll adjust for a specific event or professional setting, but it's primarily about expressing my personality and feeling great in my skin. 😊💄
If I'm ever wearing any at all, it's probably just to cover something up
what i consider pretty.
I only wear it for special times
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