
Why I don't approach girls

Why I dont approach girls

They jus all seem so much more attractive and beautiful than males, like they are all better and above our league... That makes them hard to get or to attract since girls only go after the hottest guys... And I don't consider myself attractive or I never even try... When there's so many better guys than me I think why bother, I won't even attempt it... No beautiful girl will like me.... So all throughout my whole life and school and college years I jus let them pass not paying attention to them... Thinking they're all better than me

But strangely I did notice in my life like 2 or 3 girls seem to have liked me.... For example a hot girl rubbed my leg in the taxi on the way home from school at like 14.... And another hot girl seemed to be sexually attracted to me asking d size and offering sex... And another time a girl even smiled and sat by me and tried to talk to me.... I brushed all these encounters off ignoring them... Thinking they must need glasses... Or I'm just misinterpretin them wrong and they actually jus trying to be friendly... Not flirty... No girl could possibly be into boring old me.. so I jus brushed them all off and didn't show signs I liked them back... I jus acted cold and continued my life

These girls couldn't have possibly been into me could they? Why would they?

Why I don't approach girls
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