What I like about basic men

What I like about basic men

I'm not attracted to super models or perfect faced young guys. I'm not saying I don't think they look good but personally if I had the opportunity to date them I just wouldn't. I for some reason like men who have a more rugged appearance. Like calloused greasy hands and works boots kind of guy.

I feel like a man working hard is sexy. I don't particularly find guys with dainty finger nails who don't know how to use a hammer attractive. I sometimes think it may be because I know how to use a few tools myself and I don't like it when I know more than the guy knows about it. It's weird.

Now I'm not saying other men don't work hard but there's nothing like a guy who can fix things in his own house and problem solve. Not being 100% fit, messy hair, grey hair, a little scar, a crooked tooth it's cute. Having imperfections is what makes you, you.

So guys don't get discouraged because you don't have arms like Dwayne Johnson because that's kinda gross and worry about not looking like whoever the ''hottest'' guy is because you'll be perfect for your person.

What I like about basic men
20 Opinion