10 Things I Like About Men

10 Things I Like About Men

Disclaimer not every quality is limited to men. However if you want to be more attractive in a feminine woman's eyes...

1. Determination

I love love love when a man is determined to reach his goals in life. I love when they are laser focused and driven. Even when they aren't ready for a relationship due to not reaching their goal, this boosts their masculinity in my eyes.

2. Competitive

It's something about their wanting to win that drives me crazy. Every girl wants to believe she has the winner, or at least the guy who tries. A healthy balance of this of course.

3. Stands their ground

For what they believe in. While having an open mind, they don't let everyone run over them, that's attractive.

10 Things I Like About Men

4. Confidence

Not just about appearance but their place in life. I've seen a guy compliment another man's suit but something about it portrayed confidence that I found really attractive in him.

5. Problem Solving

If not life tasks, smaller tasks like maintenance, makes me feel like I struck gold.

6. Body

I know, it was coming. But this isn't a deal breaker.

7. Take Charge

If any woman, doesn't allow her man to lead, she more than likely don't respect him. Just saying. Man need to be respected, that's a number one reason why many men won't commit. Men and woman have different views on what respect in a relationship is which is another take in its entirety.

10 Things I Like About Men

8. The Way They Think

Men and woman brains are wired differently. I admire mans simplicity, they follow their gut, their first choice, and I find that very smart. Taking most woman can be indecisive. They keep the same friends for a long time, rarely fight, forgive easier. Bro code *fist to chest*

9. They Enjoy Masculine Activities

(Not limited to men but) They talk sports for hours, or mechanics, fishing, guy time, etc..

10. They're less high maintenance

I like it 😛 lol

10 Things I Like About Men
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