Here's What I Like About Men

Heres What I Like About Men

I get these random thoughts in my head. Today I was eating dinner - I made Italian sausages, roasted brussel sprouts, and some new-fangled tomato-stuffed gnocchi, and two out of those three things were new, so maybe it jarred something loose in my brain. I don't know. And I was reading something on GAG and it got me thinking. I get these thoughts randomly and spontaneously, and think, well maybe I should write about that. So here another one...

I like that men have a way of summarizing things (stories, details, complex situations) in so few words, and in an overall typically concise, succinct manner, when generally compared to women. I often don't know how you do it. Okay, sometimes you leave out waaay too many details for my taste, and sometimes it's so abbreviated I have no idea what you're talking about, but mostly, I give you credit for your ability to get right to the point, the nitty gritty, cut to the chase, hit the nail on the head... oh wait, I'm doing it again. How does one choose the words and just end there. I don't know but you do. Maybe you're more decisive. But good on you. Your shortened paragraphs here, and in life, are often appreciated.

I like that you are problem solvers. Yes, at times it is annoying that you seem to only want to solve problems, and not listen and/or just sympathize, but I understand and respect you for your problem-solving abilities and tendencies, and not wanting us to dwell on the ridiculous intricacies and minutia of life, and quoting who said this and that, and what happened next. It's too much. You get shit done, quite often. Or at least, you want to. Goal - plan - execution - done. Very good.

I like that you don't (often) hold grudges as long or as deep as many females, from what I have observed (and yes, maybe felt myself, particularly in my younger days.) I'm not really sure how you do it, but there is the classic example of getting into a physical altercation/fist fight, and then somehow y'all decide, 'What's done is done, we move on now.' Interesting. And very commendable.

I like your ability to compartmentalize. Sometimes it makes it feel like you treat things as so distinct and separate from one another when they shouldn't be (maybe), but you guys seem to have more laser focus on the task at hand, or a problem to solve, or a piece of equipment that's acting up. I can't say for sure that you can emotionally compartmentalize all past negative experiences, etc. (you definitely don't get over feeling wronged by an ex any easier than women/girls do), but I've seen the brain scans where when recalling past events, less areas of men's brains light up, but the areas that do light up have more magnetic 'heat' on the MRIs, and I have found this to be true as well. You don't pull every sight, sound, smell, song, and especially memory from the past and dump it all into one pile, and look for all the connections and interplay. Forgive and forget are good words to live by. It is said men are more "singularly-focused" and I agree. (Plus, I get to listen to music or watch TV and my husband can better drown it out than I ever can. I take everything in. All the time. Whether I like it or not.)

I like that you are strong and can lift things that are difficult for me. I will try, yes, and I have shoved more sofas and chairs and got them in and out of more doorways than you can count, but I have also dropped boxes full of fragile stuff and wrecked my back trying to lift up the rabbit cage, and found out that there is a definite physical cost to owning higher quality heavier furniture, and just about everything else I like (I sort of have a philosphical rule about no plastics in my life.) And I tend to shop for a week's worth of food at a time cause I hate going to the grocery store. Yesterday I carried 24 lbs home and I hated every bit of it. So thank you thank you thank you for every time that you offer "I'll grab that" out of my/our hands. Bless you. My hands were hurting.

Thanks for being into me/us, initiating contact, initiating sex. You guys got the raw end of the deal on that one. Call it biology or what have you, but you end up putting yourself out there more than the other way around. Although as I've said before in mytakes, etc., I am a firm, firm believer that women need to step up much more than they are, and show (and tell) their guys when they want something. Cause we do, quite often, want you too. You're sexy, and sweet, and I like your beard stubble and when your hair's mussed up in the morning, with your boxer briefs and mug of hot coffee. I compliment you quite often, and I think other girls should too. I think you should hear that we appreciate you.

And my final thought (cause as my gift to you, I won't make this too too long) is thanks for all your interesting contributions on GAG. You answer more, contribute more, write more, and many days here I can honestly say that you write something that makes me smile, or makes me think. And when I say "Awww, that's so sweet" or beautiful, I really mean it. It's not pity or insincerity, it's genuine appreciation for who you are and what you share. So thank you men. You rock. (And speaking of... no, you don't have to be an emotional rock. I like you just the way you are, emotions and all.)

Good night 🌙

Heres What I Like About Men
Here's What I Like About Men
52 Opinion