My guy friend stares at me in class every day and when we talk he's always piercing me with his eyes. What does he want?

We are always flirting and looking deeply into each other's eyes, but he won't SAY anything like, how bout we?
I finally got the courage to ask what he wants with the staring, since the staring looks like he's trying to ask for something but can't form words, so he just smiles in a dreamy way. He said, "Just looking" and kept staring and smiling. He's looking at me and likes to a LOT, which I love, even though it's embarrassing, but WHAT does he want from me? He won't make a move or try to kiss me or anything and when he stares like that, it melts me and I just want to hold him and kiss him. How can he not know this? Why won't he DO anything? What should I do to get this going? I assume he is interested since we only ever make deep eye contact and when I look at him it feels like we've been together forever. It's the weirdest thing I've even been in, since we're supposedly just friends.
He's into me but afraid to get shot down so he doesn't do anything
He just likes to look at me
He likes to stare and isn't sure what he wants
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Still staring, but has blown three chances to kiss me goodbye in my car. Instead he leans back on my shoulder. No idea why, what he wants or how I should react! How can he stare and not go for it when I'm putting it right in his face!
My guy friend stares at me in class every day and when we talk he's always piercing me with his eyes. What does he want?
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