Kiss from a girl who friend-zoned me?

Okay so there's this girl who i've known for some years now, I liked her and didn't tell her for a while after our friendship had started and she said I should have told her before and that she loved me and didn't want to lose me as a friend and doesn't want to hurt me. Okay so typical nice way of rejection, I get that. Deep down I won't ever know how she feels and that sucks. To this day I still have like these hidden feelings there for her, she's the type who has a lot of trouble with guys, let's just say she deserves people a lot better than those she dates, they take advantage of her, cheat on her, probably use her and so on and so forth. so! the other night we were out with our group of friends I guess you could say, she wanted to go to this one dude that was at the bar's house afterwards for an after party type shindig. Mind you there is another guy that usually comes to the bar as well that likes her but he hasn't known her for a long time like I have so he doesn't know that I feel the way I do so I suppress things when he's around like the flirts and things. But he likes her, but she doesn't like him like that apparently. Getting back to the story we went to the one dudes house and there were other people there and stuff everyone is chilling, smoking weed and things of that nature, so i'm sitting there at the table. she's pretty under the influence at this point, I was looking out for her there because I don't trust anyone around her and care about her safety so i'm keeping an eye on her and what she's doing. Plus she told me a few times that she loves me and that i'm the best and what not. I guess that's a good thing for looking out for her? I'm sitting there and she leans down and shotgun/kisses me. I don't recall exactly, but she told our other friend who asked or something that she shotgunned me but from what i remember there was lip contact, not your typical shotgun right? I need some insight as I don't know what it means? what did it mean?
Kiss from a girl who friend-zoned me?
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