Are you a creep magnet?

Hey girls and why not guys too! I have a question for you; do you feel like a creep magnet?
Are you a creep magnet?
Me and my sis are very different, but we both have in common the fact that we attract weirdos. With weirdos I mean guys who for example stalk us or talks about the weirdest things. It is creepy. I get a lot of approaches but more often in such a way it really gives me the negative goosebumps.
Are you a creep magnet?
When I am out partying with my friends all the creepers talk to me. My friends have also pointed it out to me. Guys that stare a lot without trying to hide it and guys that say something like "I saw you on tinder!" or "I fell in love with you right when I saw you"...
Mostly all the creeps get attracted to me even more when I do not show any interest or do not answer them at all. Is it a turn-off for normal guys if the girl is a creep magnet?
Are you a creep magnet?

Have you any similar experiences? What helps towards this? Why isn't decent guys approachin me more often? Is there just a lot of creepers out there? Do guys experience some girls as creeps too?

I am a creep magnet
Never experienced it
There are just many creeps out there
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Are you a creep magnet?
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