What should I do about a difficult crush?

Okay so basically my crush and I started off by fb messaging each other a lot. Our conversations were interesting! We flirted, teased quite a bit. He finally gave me his # and told me to text him. On the same day, I texted him back so he’ll have my number. So 3 days later, I sent him a text, we texted 5 or 6 times back and forth that day. After that day, I’ve decided that I was going to wait for him to text me now. A month passed, and he never texted me. So last week, I contacted him through fb again. Right away he said to me, don’t you have my number? I told him that I got a new phone (true) and I lost his number (false). I was hoping that he would give it to me again, but he didn’t. So we continued messaging each other. Then all of a sudden, he stopped replying to my messages, which is strange because every time I send him a message, he always replied. So on christmas, I sent him a text saying merry christmas, and he didn’t reply back until the next day. He said, “Hey. Thanks sorry I’m late but merry Christmas too” Then I said, “Hey! Aren’t you forgetting something else?” Then he started guessing, saying “Ummm good morning? Happy holidays. Happy new years? Ummmm hello?” Disappointed, I said “It’s my birthday silly! I guess you forgot ?” Even though he asked in our last conversation when my birthday was and I told him December 26 (that is the message he never replied to, so he probably didn’t see it). Anyways, despite him forgetting, our conversation continued, we talked about Christmas and then my birthday. Somehow I brought up the topic of my new phone. I told him how I had a new number on it, hoping he would ask me for it but he never did. I ended our conversation by telling him that I had to go get ready.

Now I’m finding it really hard to continue contacting him. Here are my concerns:

1. I’m always the one who initiates our conversations first.

2. Even though he had my number, he didn’t text me first. He only replies back to my text.

3. He doesn’t seem to make an effort to take the relationship to the next level.

4. He doesn’t seem to realize that I like him (even know I made it obvious).

5. Our conservations are not flirty or teasing anymore, just friendly.

I never see him anymore and fb is my only way of contacting him right now.

I don’t get it. We had good chemistry in person. Our fb messaging was off to a good start. Now all we do is communicate through fb and our conversations are too friendly. I don't know how to fix this problem. I’m thinking maybe I should just GIVE UP and MOVE ON.

What should I do about a difficult crush?
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