What's the best way to ask my therapist out for a date?

Hi guys,

I need your help this time.

I've actually been going for therapy at this local hospital for the past 3 months as I fractured a finger.

Over the 3 months, I've gone for a total of like 4 therapies and 3 out of the 4 therapies, this female therapist has been treating me.

I have a real crush on this therapist ever since she first treated me.

I just got back from my 4th and last therapy (as I've been discharged by her) and we had a nice small conversation during the therapy.

The problem is, I've been discharged already and won't be seeing her anymore unless I get fractured again ( I don't want to get fractured anymore as it means, no pay leave for me ).

I am really keen to ask her out for a dinner.

So, does anybody have a good suggestion how to ask her out ?

I was thinking of sending a invitational letter via postage through her department, what do you guys think ?

Oh, and one thing, when we spoke during the therapy, her cheeks suddenly became so red, which I was surprised. What does that mean?

Guys, I'll be waiting for a good response.
+1 y
And she's an occupational therapist guys.
+1 y
I sent the letter via registered mail cos I know that anybody can get it.

Well, status is : item delivered.

I guess, I can forget about it since I got no replies on my mobile.

I tried right afterall ?
What's the best way to ask my therapist out for a date?
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