Is being 6 feet tall a huge advantage? I'm ugly but girls still like me?

I'm goofy looking. When I meet other guys, they talk shit to me and will make snide remarks about how I "probably can't get pussy." Or how I must be a virgin. They can tell as soon as they see me that I'm no good with women.

I'm extremely shy with girls. I'm awkward, I'm weird, I'm not cool whatsoever. My head is shaped funny. My smile is awkward and fake due to my extremely bad social anxiety. I'm also pretty damn sure that I am ugly. What inspired me to make this post, was a female friend of mine uploaded a video of me onto her snapchat. Today's my birthday and the video was of my last birthday, and them singing to me and giving me a cake. And I'm looking at myself in the video and I'm like "uh wtf? Is that what I look like? I'm fucking ugly as hell."

But for some reason, I get attention from girls. I've had girls ask me for my number many times. I always said no out of social anxiety fear. I've been cat called by girls. I had a car full of girls drive donuts around me in a parking lot as I walked to work. Trying to get me to get in the car with them.

I've been approached by girls in bars and clubs. They come up and just start talking to me and touching me and flirting. I'm just a shy weirdo so obviously it goes nowhere.

I've gotten hugs from girls for no reason. Just asking me for hugs. Girls touching me and getting close to me.

At one point I started to wonder, "am I actually attractive or something?"

But no I dont think so. And I can't imagine what has caused all of these events for me with girls.

The only conclusion I can draw is that I'm 6'1. That's really all I have. I'm not thin, I have some muscle and even before that I was always athletic I suppose. But now I'm like, a fat with some muscle lol. Other guys will make comments that I must be strong and such. I have a big gut though.

I just can't figure out why girls seem to like me. Not like it matters. I'm too shy and weird anyways. But it's just such a strange thing.
Is being 6 feet tall a huge advantage? I'm ugly but girls still like me?
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