How do you (yourself) tell someone they’re moving too fast without scaring them off?

I hate when I like someone more because I feel it eventually runs them off. And then i hate when someone likes me more because then i feel like it’ll eventually run me off. I just want balance 🤦‍♀️ So i met two great guys. One is moving at a more balanced pace and i like that. I want that. And although he has the sense of humor that matches mine, i fear he’ll drift into the friendzone because I dont know if i can see myself being into him sexually. Like some of the stuff he says when trying to flirt sexually is cringe 💀 I like goofy and corny but not cringe.
And then the other guy, he's got it all but i think he's also battling with insecurity so he's moving faster than me in such little time. I know its bad that when talking to him yesterday, it made me slick miss someone from my past. I don't know how he randomly reminded me of the guy, but its not that long ago that me and that person ended. Im not trying to rebound. Im not even trying to date anyone else come this month but I want to see if they’re worth getting to know enough to take with me into the new year. I feel like i made that super clear because I just want to get to know these guys, but they’re super lovey dovey in super little time and its super freaking me out. I just don't know what to tell them.
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Okay the talk didn't go well so far because we just talked for FOUR hours and i said its almost 9pm, i need to go eat. I haven't eaten today. He goes, “can you take me with you and just leave the phone on so i know you’ll be back.” Like he really think im going to call someone else! Which i was 🤣 but not until some hours from now. This other guy has already blew my phone up asking why it keeps saying my line is busy when he calls. And two others think im ignoring em 🥲 This a wholeass workshift
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At this point, I hope i scared him off because he didn't get the point
Are you grumpy if someone or something interrupts your sleep (read below)? ↗
How do you (yourself) tell someone they’re moving too fast without scaring them off?
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