MY CRUSH "rejected" me kind of? HOW to make it less awkarddd in SCHOOL?

Ok so like basically there's this guy at my school whos really cute and we make so much eye contacts in the hallways... and so around mid-septemeber, he followed my on insta and i chcked his followers/following and its only sports, relatives, NO FRIENDS FROM SCHOOL EXEPT ME... so i was a little happy yk like wow its j me ;)

And so i followed him back, and our eye contact kept getting more intense, he would turn around and "check" me out. so i added him on snap.. and after snapping/talking for like 3 weeks.. i REALLY REALLY wanted to know if he likes me back ykkk...

The thing is he's not that open... so i snapped him and i said, "you don't open up a lot"

he said, "yea i just need to be closer with that person to open up"

i said, "i m tryingggg"

he said, "after thinking about this, i really dont want to get close to anyone except one person"

i was so DISSAPOINTED, so i said, "ooo your girlfriend?"

he said, "i never said that."

i said, "who?"

HE FELL ASLEEP SO IN A FEW HE SHOULD TEXTBACK.. but since WE BOTH go to the same school.. how do i make things less awkard? LIKE obv he gave me a big hint that he doesn't like like me... but like i wanna be friends with him ykk.. now thinking about it, i m not that sad anymore bc i m kind of proud of him making it more clear that i shoulnd't try on him...


should i still snap and text him every feww days or likeee..

MY CRUSH "rejected" me kind of? HOW to make it less awkarddd in SCHOOL?
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