1 mo

Doses she like me?

For context I used to work with this girl but different shifts we quit and I'll see her around town and she aways lights up when she sees me she gets a big smile and waves but something happened recently I was at the store and I saw her with a guy not to disturb them but we both saw each other and I didn't a small kinda discreet wave and as I continued shopping I head footsteps coming fast it was her she wanted to say hi and she asked me what I thought of her hair she told me she cut it and I I noticed her hair had a hue of purple to it and she I asked her to spin around so I could see all of it she did I said i liked it but miss the red stripe she had Nad she said thanks with a big smile and we went our separate ways I just need to know if I'm looking to much in to it or if she likes me
Doses she like me?
3 Opinion