He contacts me every 2 weeks. Motives?

I need some help,

I dated this guy for a few months and we seemed really happy until one day he blind sighted me and said that he didn't want to date me or anybody at the moment. He said he had too much going on and that he needed time to himself. I wrote off what he said to mean that he really just didn't like me anymore and was over the relationship even though he swore that wasn't the case and even said that "as stereotypical as it seems It really is me. Its NOT you." I didn't talk to him for a while, deciding that no contact would be best considering that I still had feelings for him and wanted him to have his space. After around a month I texted him and said that I was going to a concert that I knew he would be at also. I thought it would be weird to just show up. When I got there he immediately walked over to me. It was like he had been waiting for me to get there and then he spent the entire night with me. Fast forward 2 weeks. He randomly calls me on a Friday night and says that he is having a housewarming party at his new apartment. He invites me and then sticks by me. People regarded me as "his girl" since he stayed so close and then later on we ended up doing a lot of kissing and cuddling and pretty much going back to relationship mode. He even asked me to stay the night (I didnt). I texted him the next day asking if we could talk about it. I wanted to clear the air so that whatever we were would be agreed upon. We met for coffee and he said that "it felt comfortable." and that he shouldn't have done it. that was fine. 2 weeks after that he "accidentally" calls my sister and then we end up talking later.He asked me to hang out but I already had plans. The next night I asked if he wanted to hang out. We went to a bar and once again we went into couple mode. He got hit on by another guy and I saved him from the situation by walking over, grabbing his hand, and kissing him on the cheek. later on he dropped me off at my dorm and ended up coming to my room to watch a movie... I know this was a bad idea but one thing lead to another and he stayed the night. The next day, I walked him down and we did the awkward hug and he said "you know this doesn't always have to happen when we hang out." I wondered if he was right but we are too sexually drawn to to each other for it to not be a factor. I decided to leave him alone again for both of our sakes but, once again, almost exactly 2 weeks later he texts me today and asks me if I'm coming to a concert that he was at. It had been going on for an hour and he was obviously looking for me. I couldn't go but he tried to convince me and we texted for a long time. He was very flirty and very obvious.

For a guy that doesn't want to be with me he is very regular in contacting me.. I guess every 2 weeks he starts missing me?Can anyone give me any insight on this? I care about him but I close myself off because I don't want to get hurt. Does he want a relationship with me or is he just looking for companionship?

He contacts me every 2 weeks. Motives?
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