How to give male coworker your number without looking like a creep?

There's this guy at work that I have a little crush on. Lately we've been working a lot together and we talk a lot. We like the same music, have similar interests etc etc etc. I feel like he goes out of his way to talk to me, but I can't tell if it's just me, because he's a really friendly person. But he's always helping me, and apologizing for little things, and IDK! I over think everything. Lol. ANYWAYS after today we won't be working in the same department, so I want to give him my number. (Especially since the other day he mentioned that he thinks he may get fired.) But I don't know how to...I've never given a guy my number. How would you ask?
How to give male coworker your number without looking like a creep?
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