Was this a one night stand or what?

so I've liked this guy for about a month now and we work in the same mall, but different stores. we've talked all the time during our cig breaks and such, and I finally got the nerves to ask him over to hang out with me and a friend. I had no other meanings but to seriously watch some movies and drink. he came over and we all got drunk, we ended up in bed together. after the first time, we were sobered up and by this time my friend had left to leave us be. my neighbor came over to steal a beer and he held my hand in front of her and and we were sitting next to each other. when she went to the bathroom he kissed me and went up my shirt and stopped when she came back out. she left and then we did it again sober this time. he spent the night and we were cuddling all night. I had to be at work the next day at 10 and he had to be there at 12, so I just left and put the key on his phone so he could lock up. he brought the key back to my work and plopped it down in front of a bunch of customers and my employees and said "thanks, I'll see you later" and winked. that night we texted for like 2 hours laughing about the last night and saying it wasn't our intentions for that to happen and it wasn't either of our faults. and then I invited him over the next day to watch a movie with me and my kid (which he has already met and likes and knows about. he has a kid too, so it's not a big deal about it). he said maybe that he had to work 330 to 7 that night and I said cool, just let me know tomorrow. well no text or anything the next day. I texted him around 750 asking if he was coming by and no text or anything back. today I went up to the mall to get a coffee and was smoking a cig and he came out and asked why I was there, I told him I was bring my friend's jacket back cause she left it at my house and I was waiting on her to get into work (which was a lie, but I was holding a jacket, lol). well I asked if he found his phone charger (which he told me he had lost) and he said yes, then it was quiet. so I asked how was work going he said it was steady, but pretty slow, blah blah. then my kid showed him her shoes that had the characters from the movie we were supposed to watch the night before that he didn't show up to and she I want to watch my movie, so I said OK we can watch it when we get home and he said nothing about not showing up. then he left to go back to work. well I was curious as to what was going on so I texted him saying "hey is everything cool between us? I don't want any awkwardsness between us because of Friday night. let me know if you want to hang out again this week or whatnot." that was sent about 445 today and I still have no response. I don't know if he's still working, but I'm worried that Friday night was all that its every going to be. does this sound like a one night stand or could there be more or just friends. I'm going crazy over here cause I really like this guy. I'm 25 and he's 30 if that helps.
Was this a one night stand or what?
2 Opinion