Why would a 33 year old guy be interested in a 16 year old girl?

I'm a 16 year old girl and I live in Singapore. This happened to me just yesterday : I was in a store and a staff member approached me by pointing out that my backpack was open. It was indeed wide open so I thanked him, and then he started talking to me! He asked where do I study, so I told him the name of the foreign school I attend, which surprised him because he thought I was mix (half-white, half-asian; I get this a lot even though I'm Caucasian). Anyway, he also asked my age, and when I told him he was off put for a second or so because he thought I was a bit older, at least seventeen. But it didn't keep him from talking to me some more. He helped me find an energy drink, and went with me all the way to the cashier where he sort of offered to buy it for me (I refused).

AND THEN he walked out of the store with me and walked me all the way to the community centre nearby where I go to study (I have exams in a week and the cc has a study room, very practical). Once we got there we got there I asked for his age (should have done that sooner, stupid me) and I was shocked to find he was 33! I thought he was in his mid-twenties or something! Then I hinted I should really study now, and because I said earlier I had a hard time focusing he asked if I was Christian and suggested I pray to Jesus for concentration or something weird along these lines.

All this time (in total we talked for at least half an hour) he had been very friendly, so when he asked for my number I..yeah I gave it to him. I'm aware this is a big no-no! But I also tend to be naive and give my trust easily, and he really seemed like a nice guy, he didn't make comments that made me uncomfortable, in short: he doesn't seem like a sex predator. afterward he told me which bus he takes home, which, by some weird coincidence, is the same as mine. He asked at what time do I end studying (I didn't tell him it closes at 9, I don't want him to know about my routine and stuff) and suggested I text him when I'm done so we can take the bus together. I said I'd see, and we told each other goodbye. I took the bus home without him 'cause I'm not so crazy that I'd let him know where I live exactly, but we texted a bit.

Frankly I had a hard time focusing after that, and now I'm quite lost: what the hell does this guy want from me? He seems stable, sane, normal, why would he want to befriend a girl half his age?

I'm sorry this question is so personal, I'd just like to know from a guy's point of view if it's possible that an older man talking to a much younger girl has no bad intentions, or if I should run for the hills now. And girls who have lived this situation (especially while being a minor like me), your opinion would also be appreciated :)
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Ok sooo.. from the few comments I've received, it seems like this could be dangerous. Thanks for warning me. As it is now, we've only just met and he hasn't done anything really alarming (besides being interested in being my 'friend' even after finding out I'm half his age... OK I admit it's quite alarming). If he does try anything 'funny', or is too persistent in wanting to talk with/see me, how should I show him clearly I'm not stupid and he should back off?
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Eeeep he's texting me now what should I do?
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He said he respected my decision to stop texting him, he was really cool about it. Whew! Problem solved! Thanks everyone.
Why would a 33 year old guy be interested in a 16 year old girl?
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