10 Diet Fads You Should Avoid This Summer

10 Diet Fads To Avoid This Summer

It's summer time! That means sun, beaches and bikinis...but it also means getting that bikini body ready. And whether you're eating tuna on toast every morning or drinking a kale/apple/wheatgrass/kelp/gross smoothie, we all have our go to when we want to drop the pounds. Skinny has always been in and we're always looking for the next miracle in weight loss to come knocking at our door.

There are really only 2 ways to lose weight when it comes to your diet. The first one is the sustainable eating route. That means you're generally eating a healthier diet full of nutrient rich foods and keeping your calories at a reasonable level. Nothing crazy on this one. Just being a good, old fashioned responsible adult. Relatively easy to remember that Taco Bell is bad and grilled chicken salad good.

The second way to lose weight with food is usually quicker and unsustainable. That is called the "fad diet". It's quick and (usually) effective but usually has something ridiculous attached to it that can't be done for long at all. Good for quick bikini body, bad for overall health. Got it? Good. And with that, here are:

10 Diet Fad Diets To Avoid This Summer: Tap to Reveal the Hint

1: This Diet's Legitimacy Is Soupy At Best 2: Ass Injections Are Never A Good Idea 3: Giving Your Fat Hypothermia Doesn't Help 4: This Is A Waste Of Nutrients 5: Thicker, Frothier Waste Of Nutrients 6: Chunkier Soup is Still Soup 7: Too Little Can Be as Bad as Too Much 8: You Should Be Intolerant of This Diet 9: This Is Lemonade. That's All. Really?? 10: Umm...I Don't Want To Drink That

10 Diet Fads You Should Avoid This Summer
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