Organic food: a Steaming Pile of Humbug and Bullsh*t!


Humbug - Deception of lying. Impostor. Pure bullshit.

Now that you understand the word humbug let's discuss why the organic food craze is nothing but deceptive advertising and a very harmful fad.

1. Does organic food taste better?

Organic food: a Steaming Pile of Humbug and Bullsh*t!

Obviously you can find organic based websites and biased liberal media (I'm liberal too, so don't say I'm a biased conservative) stating that organic food tastes better, even recent studies show that %43 of people choose organic because of the "better taste". However when confronted with peer-reviewed and non-profit independent studies it is clear that organic food has almost no taste difference between conventional food according to The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), as well as Stanford University School of Medicine. These studies found that "compared organic produce with their conventional counterparts and found no significant differences." ( ) Even according to rather simple double-blind studies done by students there was only a marginal difference between people's choice of organic food taste and conventional food taste. The studies found that the only reason people think organic food tastes better is the psychological power of suggestion. You can even try this at home: buy 1 organic produce and 1 regular food, compare taste with a blindfold and you'll find that you can't tell the difference at all.

2. Is organic food healthier?


Organic food: a Steaming Pile of Humbug and Bullsh*t!

Again: you can watch Buzzfeed or go to a .com (commercial) website to find biased studies "proving" that organic food is healthier. Yet, once again when confronted with government or scientific double blind studies such as made by the USDA on its website "makes no claims that organically produced food is more nutritious or safer than conventionally produced food." This is the USDA, they have nothing to gain or lose by siding with conventional food and nothing to gain by siding with organic food, they only care about the truth for the sake of public interest. According to Food Policy Analyst Alex Avery: "There is no proof whatsoever that organic foods are any healthier than non-organic foods, at all".

According to another expert, Ronald Bailey Science Corespondent, who has examined over 400 nutritional studies about organic food: "It's just not the case that you're getting any more nutritional or health benefits out of organic crops."

Now let us talk about pesticides. Organic or not, all food has some sort of pesticides used on it. The benefit of synthetic pesticides is that they have been extensively tested, and found to have no effect on people. Does this mean that organic pesticides will make you sick? No. While high amounts of organic pesticides are toxic to fish, cause Parkinson’s disease in rats, and have found to be toxic to other mammals, the levels that humans are exposed to in food are harmless. Just like with synthetic pesticides. Studies have also been done on levels of bio-toxins between organic and conventional foods, and no difference has been found. The American Cancer Society said "There is no correlation between pesticides in conventional foods causing cancer anymore than organic pesticides". This is the American Cancer Society, completely unbiased about food and only caring about links between cancer!

Organic food: a Steaming Pile of Humbug and Bullsh*t!

3. Is it healthier for the environment?

While many claim organic food is better for the environment because the soil used is better and we're using less pesticides (but we already proved that's complete BS) the problem is that organic food uses up so much more space and land than regular food. According to yet another peer-reviewed study "the biggest catastrophe to the environment would not be global warming, but could be if we converted everything to organic farming on a global basis." The reason it would be so bad for the planet is that 2 billion people would starve to death because we simply wouldn't be able to produce enough food to feed them. Nobel Peace Prize winner Norman Borlaug, driver of the green revolution, a man who saved 1 BILLION people from starvation in struggling third world countries, says that "Organic farming could, at most, feed 4 billion people." We have 7.347 billion humans on Earth right now, so would 3.347 people like to volunteer to starve to death?

However, what about the claim that organic food uses no genetic engineering? Well, I hate to burst your bubble but almost everything in the grocery store is the result of artificial selection from several thousands of years of human intervention and farming, genetic engineering simply accelerates that process because well: we're in the fucking future. According to Ray Comfort's ridiculously stupid and ignorant argument about the banana being "an atheist's nightmare" the current yellow banana in the grocery store is completely different than the banana you would find in the wild. Most food would be unrecognizable in its wild and "natural" form. Here's a picture of a wild banana:

Organic food: a Steaming Pile of Humbug and Bullsh*t!

And for you vegans who hate using animal products: by law organic food is only allowed to use organic fertilizer aka: cow shit. Cow shit has to come from a farm which uses the cows for meat and/or milk. Your organic lettuce isn't so animal free now is it?

4. Does organic food support the "small farmer"?

I live in America, a capitalist country where people have the right to start a huge business if their small business is successful. Just like any industry there is always bound to be one that is better marketed to the public and thus becomes a big company making millions and sometimes billions. In 2000 the retail sales of organic food reached $7.8 billion dollars (monetary bias from those .com websites anyone?). The actual facts are that most produce you buy in the grocery store or even at a hippie farmer's market come from a large producers out of California. Further about half of the organic dairy products you buy comes from a single company: Horizon. which comes from Dean's Foods which is one of the largest food corporations in existence.

Organic food: a Steaming Pile of Humbug and Bullsh*t!

How can you claim that organic helps the "small farmer" when %50 is actually coming from just 1 huge company making billions off the ignorance of people during the organic food craze? But you're thinking "Oh well at least most of the organic food we buy doesn't come from out of the country in a place like China, right?" Well no, there's actually a huge amount of "organic" food coming out of China right now. Right now %20 of the soybeans and soy milk that make your hippie tofu come from China.

5. Finally: am I just an a*hole calling organic consumers stupid?

Absolutely not! I used to believe in the organic food craze too. When I go to the grocery store I don't normally have time to internet check everything I'm buying, as a bachelor I usually buy the same Hungry Man dinner and a bunch of potatoes. I'm sure the average shopper is the same. We were all just going by what the media was shoving down our throats. On the surface it appears going organic is a great idea, but once you look an the unbiased science it turns out that organic food doesn't really do anything for anybody.

Ask yourselves now:

After learning all this is organic food really worth the %50 increase in price? Is it worth spending half my paycheck on food that I could get for a fraction of the price?

Organic food: a Steaming Pile of Humbug and Bullsh*t!
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