Is this REAL tobacco or FAKE tobacco?

Photos are included & are down below!!

In England, i bought a brand of Tobacco called "Amber Leaf" which is usually £15 to £23, per 50 Grams, but i bought a 50 Gram packet for £5 from the shop.

~~ Is it REAL or FAKE?

(Is it the real stuff, but imported from a cheaper country, such as Spain or Germany, without UK tax paid?, so its a lot cheaper?)
Is this REAL tobacco or FAKE tobacco?
Is this REAL tobacco or FAKE tobacco?
Is this REAL tobacco or FAKE tobacco?
Is this REAL tobacco or FAKE tobacco?
Is this REAL tobacco or FAKE tobacco?
Is this REAL tobacco or FAKE tobacco?
Is this REAL tobacco or FAKE tobacco?
Is this REAL tobacco or FAKE tobacco?
It's FAKE Amber Leaf!!
It's REAL Amber Leaf (but without UK tax paid)
Other // i dunno
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Is this REAL tobacco or FAKE tobacco?
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