If you really wanted a coca cola and the place you’re at only had pepsi are you ok substituting with that?

Lets say you really really wanted a coca cola (regular or diet) while out at some restaurant and they only sold pepsi there instead, would that suffice for you or no? Coca cola or no deal? Or vice versa, you really want a Pepsi but all they have is coca cola.

assume for this question they dont sell any other type of drinks here either.
No, coca cola only or no deal!
Its ok ill get a pepsi if they had no coca cola. Not a big deal
No pepsi only or no deal
I would be ok getting a coca cola if they didn't have pepsi. Not a big deal
I dont like soda and want to see results
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This question is basically asking how loyal people are to a brand even when there's a viable alternative.
If you really wanted a coca cola and the place you’re at only had pepsi are you ok substituting with that?
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