What's the best flavor of Gatorade/Powerade?

Whats the best flavor of Gatorade/Powerade?
Whats the best flavor of Gatorade/Powerade?

Which Gatorade/Powerade flavor is best to you?

Fruit punch isn't a thing in South Korea. I have no f*cking clue why, but it's the most annoying sh*t ever! That used to be my favorite drink back home! So I've been drinking orange Gatorade every day at work, as a substitute. Sick of all the tap water from the water coolers. Grape Gatorade/Powerade is nasty AF, by the way.

Red/Fruit Punch
Cool Blue/Mountain Blast
I don't drink Gatorade or Powerade.
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What's the best flavor of Gatorade/Powerade?
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