Would you like to feed a baby penguin 🥰?

That would be so cool! Where I am there are fairy penguins so even the adult ones are pretty small. When I go down to the rocks next time I'll take a can of sardines and try it out. They are highly private so I wouldn't highly hopeful.
Yes please! And my son would like to bring him home. He has loved penguins since he was a baby.
I love birdies. Feeding a fluffy penguin chick with fish from blender would be a lot of fun.
No, but my cat wouldn't mind going bowling with them. They make great bowling pins.
Absolutely, a visit to to Antarctica to see Penguins is on my bucket list.
No, I'll leave that up to Mama and Papa Penguin.
I would love to feed a baby penguin <3 <3 <3
Hell no! Baby penguins are fed via regurgitation! LOL So no, I would NOT like to throw up in a baby penguins mouth!
Yes, I like the noise they make and the wiggling they do when happy.
Id love to just observe them in nature and not in some Zoo.
Wouldn't the beak hurt my nipples?
Yeah, and have my pic taken with it too
I think a penguin would make a great pet
I would LOVE to feed a baby penguin 🫠🫠🥰🥰😍
The prepare to puke up some fish for him like the mama penguin does.
Sure, why not?
Unfortunately that's illegal, but YES
Not if a zookeeper.
@TheSpaceGnome The average citizen isn't a zookeeper though
The average citizen also isn't living in areas where penguins live.
Aww, what does he know?
Sure and Dolphin 🐬 to
Nah but id eat them little niggas
No they smell disgusting 😒
Awww yes 🤗💖
never did