Legal age in the US is 21 years old for those that might not know or don’t want to look it up.
1.3K opinions shared on Food & Beverage topic. Hell yes. LOL
Drinking age is 21 here. But when I was 16 I started going to parties. I didn't care for alcohol and didn't know anything about good tasting beverages. I thought the whole point was to get drunk.
So we would drink beer, which I never much cared for, or God awful, fortified, fruit flavored shit like Spañada, Boons Farm, Strawberry Hill and whatever.
You didn't sip that stuff for enjoyment, you guzzled it.
It was all about partying.
I got really sick and had terrible hangovers quite a few times.
Kids are really stupid. LOL
After a few of those experiences over several years, I wound up not caring for alcohol at all. It was later in life that I discovered the pleasure of sipping a glass of quality wine, as well as tasty cocktails.
But, later in life, I rarely drank and didn't do it to get drunk. A pleasant buzz is fine, but getting drunk is no fun.11 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
- 7 d
A little bit. I drank a very small amount starting when I was about 13-14. By small amount, I mean I had never been drunk when I graduated high school (but I had been stoned on weed). I had drank enough to somewhat feel it, but didn't get drunk until just after I graduated.
The drinking age then was 18 for low alcohol beer in my state. I went to college in another state where the age was 19 for all alcohol. So literally the very day I turned 18, and old enough to drink in my own state, I arrived in a state where it was 19. I got ripped off.It wasn't until the 80s when they started cracking down on youth drinking. The drinking age in (I think) every state was raised to 21. Before that, stores and bars would sell to just about anyone who shaved.
10 Reply
- 8 d
Nope. I knew it wasn't a good idea. And I don't regret it. I usually have 1 or 2 but usually just one is good enough for me. I love getting a strawberry daiquiri once a month as a treat.
20 Reply
- 9 d
I don't drink alcohol, but I'll carry @Circushowcowboy 's glass, so he can have a big people size as well.
27 Reply- 9 d
Should have got him this for Christmas. Darn. 😬 - 9 d
His bday gift, I think. - 9 d
@SleepingHazard how thoughtful 🙄😂
@Abbycado where do you even find that? Lols - 9 d
@Circushowcowboy of I can find anything XD
- 9 d
Oh my god! That's such a nice present for our big boy. XD
- 9 d
I’m older than you ya know? Lolo
What Girls & Guys Said
- 9 d
Legal age is 16 for beer/wine/champagne, 14 under adult supervision. So, no.
22 Reply- 8 d
Yeah, that’s correct.
I tried it when I was about 13. My parents had invited some friends, and while they were downstairs saying goodbye, I emptied the rest of several glasses of wine 'cause I wanted to know what it felt like. Not a good idea. Especially not since my older sister was there and told them what I'd done.
Legal age in bars and shops in Europe is 18. Most bars won't really mind if you're 16 or 17, but I always looked too young, even at 18 :)
211 Reply- 7 d
- 7 d
Everyone assumes I'm 15 for some reason, when I tell them I'm almost 40 they either call bullshit or look some weird combination of horrified and confused, like I just told them about the matrix existing or that their mom is actually a terminator.. People are weird..
- 7 d
it will matter.
see you at age 250 😂 - 6 d
Whats a towny?
- 5 d
Yes I started at 14 and by about 21 I was already kinda over drinking. But even during that time I didn't do it that often I just did it excessively during those times where I did drink because I was just not ready for that responsibility I guess. But it was fine I experienced it and then moved on.
21 Reply- 9 d
Absolutely but it was more out of curiosity than intention to abuse alcohol. Back then it was cheap to get a buzz from alcohol now once your at a certain point there is no point stopping because of the investment 😂.
There is also the peer pressure angle , hanging out with people who were drinking made it harder to say no than “ play along” , again though it’s all about setting limits and knowing when to stop , people misuse alcohol the alcohol itself is not the issue.16 Reply- 9 d
Haha , I remember those days.. stay that way as long as you possibly can is my advice !
Lightweight? One hundred thirty-five pounds, though most chicks still don't talk about their weight?
In boxing,135 pounds is the upper limit of the Lightweight division.
- 8 d
Ah , I too did wonder where the hell you were going with that , makes perfect sense now 😆
Yes a bunch of times , pretty much all me and my friends’did was party and drink for the most part amongst other things as well , we even had fake id’s that worked for buying alcohol and going to bars and clubs , knock on wood we never got in trouble from it When I finally turned 21 I was just excited to be legal lol
12 Reply432 opinions shared on Food & Beverage topic. I drank before I was legal to buy (18), certainly. Before it was legal to drink, I'm not sure.
Looked it up (England and Wales): "minimum legal age of five for supervised consumption in private places", so no, not when I was that small!
Literally on my 18th birthday, I walked into an off-licence and bought a bottle of something; they didn't even ask for ID.
11 Reply661 opinions shared on Food & Beverage topic. The Legal Drinking Age in the UK is 18, it's not illegal for someone between the ages of five and 17 to drink alcohol at home or on other private premises.
I was introduced to alcohol in my mid teens (in the same way that it is done in France) during meals, so I never saw it as some thing forbidden which probably12 Reply496 opinions shared on Food & Beverage topic. When I was 15 I was buying alcohol and cigarettes. There was no age limit on cigarettes at the time. Alcohol you could buy if you went to the liquor store and acted like you knew what you were doing.
Back then the hangout for kids was the pool hall. While the cops were found sleeping in there car down some dark road or in a field. Maybe they weren’t sleeping…. lol.12 Reply- 8 d
I did, under legal age of 18, drink alcohol and THC. I think I was 16 or something, New Year's party, campsites without parents, those sort of events, it was recreational, episodic, alcohol was more rare than joints and bongs though. During college years, I became uninterested in any ambiances implying hangovers and being stoned, I had enough. At the point I am now, it's a beer or a cider once in a while, with friends
10 Reply 472 opinions shared on Food & Beverage topic. UK so legality is more a flexible thing here. As basically you can drink at any age, longs if a parent allows you to but of course something small and depending on the circumstance. Otherwise you could be easily done for child abuse.
But I did drink alone when I was 14/15 which is for sure not allowed. At 16 here your allowed to drink alone but not buy, then 18 is when you can buy. Same goes for smoking.
10 Reply- 9 d
Not counting sips that parents give to kids, the first time i really drank, wine, my pa pressured me to drink a huge cup of wine age 13 on an empty stomach because jew festival obligated drunk. No joke!
Luckily they don't actually do, some of the other bad stuff, but only due to secular law.
not because they believed those things are wrong. Drunk obligations should be abolished.
10 Reply - 9 d
Yes. There was a local bar that would serve us the local beer, which was not much alcohol, so long as we were at least 16; drinking age was 18. The police knew about the place and us, and looked the other way. They reckoned it was better than other things we could have been doing.
10 Reply - 9 d
A lot. I was so readily available. Thankfully never did anything I regretted. I quit drinking on my 21st birthday.
26 Reply- 9 d
It, nor I lol
- 9 d
Yeah, I was always careful not to loose track of my drink and my friends and I always kept a hand over the tops of any drinks. Sadly, at the time, I could drink most guys under the table and keep on dancing. I was also very careful about the environment where I consumed and my big brother was usually there watching out for me. If he wasn't, some of his friends were.
- 9 d
Very, very good idea. And limiting the amount like you do, too. Stay smart and stay safe. Brothers and good guy friends come in helpful, too. Work hard, have fun... You'll always be glad you had the college experience.
- 8 d
yeah it was quite common at the time for my particular area. it's even a church related thing where i live. during evangelic confirmation or catholic communion in the villages people doing that would be 14-16. and it would always be drinking a bunch with family and friends every time xD
10 Reply Nope, and I still don't drink alcohol.
I tried it, but never have I ever been drunk in my life.
18 is legal in my country.
12 Reply- 9 d
I only have a couple usually once a weekend. More of a social thing at school. Just have to watch out for campus police. 😱
- 9 d
Once a weekend is ok, just be careful ;)
- 9 d
Yeah and I regret it. Nowadays I rarely drink. I wasn’t hard for me to give up. I just don’t like it.
11 Reply - 9 d
Alcohol was never a big deal for me. It still isn't. I have two Cesar's on my birthday each year and that is it.
I have no reason for this decision other than to say I have no (0) interest in alcohol. And no I'm not religious.23 Reply- 9 d
I'm sure my sister would answer this question differently. My mom once told me she saw my sister crawl in over the doorway of my parents' house drunk.
- 9 d
What is it you like so much about it?
914 opinions shared on Food & Beverage topic. Yes but only because it was given to me by a family member. I would not have chosen to try it on my own. I was told that it’s better for kids to experience alcohol in their own home first instead of with their friends.
20 Reply- 9 d
According to US laws yes. According to Danish laws then no since there is no law surrounding legal drinking age.
51 Reply- 9 d
@Potteplante agree!
Yes I knew it was 21 in USA , due to. a strange incident in a Myrtle Beach night club 55555,
In Australia it's 18 , and I did drink prior , everyone did pretty much , but very little , I think 21 is reasonable , it's making a statement.10 Reply- 8 d
I was like 15, but it was 19 in my state at that time. Then right before I became 19 they change it to 21. But by then I was ready done with booze. I had my fill of it anyways
20 Reply - 9 d
It's 18 here in Spain but drank way before that
11 Reply - 8 d
Nah, and i have no plans to. I dont really like the taste of alchohol (communion wine, at least) and tbh, id rather not get drunk🤷♂️ there's nothing alchohol offers me that i want
10 Reply - 9 d
18 here in UK. I didn't really get a taste for it. Had been trying it since early teens
11 Reply yea, started as a kid (back then only sips of wine or a bit of champagne at special occasions though, i didn't get drunk as a kid)
20 Reply- 9 d
I was one of the lucky ones as a teen
My dad owned a bar back in the 1980's
12 Reply- 9 d
- 9 d
Yea but I still started later than most people around me. I think I was 19 when I first drank
111 Reply- 9 d
Breaking the law! Lol
- 9 d
- 9 d
Is this what they serve you at the bar? - 9 d
Only if I’m in a fancy mood
- 9 d
It’d last me all night, that’s for sure
- 9 d
You're gonna end up drunk with a glass that size!
- 9 d
@SleepingHazard he said give me a double and they gave him that.
- 9 d
Yes. Growing up my parents would always allow us a glass of wine or champagne in birthdays or new years.
20 ReplyOf course I did aha, got to learn when you’re young so you don’t embarrass yourself when you’re older
20 Reply- 8 d
I tasted it a few times. My dad would let me take sips of his beer when I was a kid. I had a few wine coolers in high school. Nothing big.
10 Reply - 8 d
I'm a pioneer, which means I'm usually the designated driver or my man's taxi home
20 Reply - 8 d
don't most people lol
i think the first time i got drunk i wasn't even a teenager yet20 Reply Arghh... yeah. I drank alcohol when I was 16. I don't regret it. Bartenders didn't really care, or they knew you and got along so they gave you the pass and let you party away. Good times.
10 Replyİ was 10 when i first frank.
İ was 14 when i first actively started to drink.
10 Reply3.9K opinions shared on Food & Beverage topic. Yes, but it was the 80s and the country was a lot different. The drinking age was lowered to 18. All my friends did it and it became a way of life.
10 ReplyI waited until legal age, and I’m honestly glad. I saw it was overrated tho still fun. I don’t judge those who did drink underage tho it’s not ideal to me
20 ReplyMy dads wine cellar. Mainly did the coolers. He had more then just wine lol
10 Reply541 opinions shared on Food & Beverage topic. Went to college at 17. The legal drinking age was 21, but no one paid attention on campus back then.
10 Reply- 9 d
Well yes and no in The US I drank illegal legally. In Greece legally at 14.
23 Reply- 9 d
Well it’s 18 but they serv you. But it was beer. Abel to get in the club at 14.
856 opinions shared on Food & Beverage topic. Yes, I had Bacardi 151 when I was twenty as my first drink at a house I was renting with some guys I met in college. They were having a party and I didn't feel like not joining in.
10 ReplyAlcohol was one of the reasons I was still a virgin at 30
10 Reply- 9 d
I have never ever drink alcohol in My entire life. Never would.
20 Reply - 7 d
To this day I've still never had even 1 alcoholic beverage my entire life.
The idea of drinking something that makes my brain less efficient is just really repulsive.
Plus alcohol smells disgusting, especially beer and vodka.00 Reply Definitely I grew up in an Italian American household. Wine at every meal. From stories from my mom she used it ease the pain.
20 Reply- 9 d
Sure I recall drinking a bottle of white wine with friends when we were 11
10 Reply Not out and about, but I did at home. My dad slowly introduced alcohol when we were in our mid teens
10 Reply- 8 d
Yeah I’m guilty. I was 11 years old I drank and did a lot of other things that I shouldn’t have been doing…but oh well.
10 Reply - 8 d
Yes, but not really. I went to the Bahamas right after I turned 18 and it was legal there.
10 Reply - 8 d
Yes. I started young and was an alcoholic by the time I was 23.
10 Reply 795 opinions shared on Food & Beverage topic. Yes I was 16 when I had my first alcoholic drink
10 Reply- 9 d
A few times just to fit in. I'm still not a big drinker.
10 Reply - 8 d
Neah drank at around 22 and gave up a few years later alchohol is really bad for you its a decline for people as human beings
10 Reply Here is legal age 18 but it is common to start at 15. Especially with beer. I started at 14.
10 ReplyCoffee Brandy and milk or right from bottle goes down smooth fast feels good n warm
10 Reply- 9 d
Yes I was a regular visitor to the pub when I was 16 the legal age here is 18
10 Reply I did, but not often.
11 ReplyIf you are 18 and American, you should visit Europe or another less upstuck part of the world.
00 ReplyYes started at 10, parents gave it to me
26 ReplyI never drink alcohol at all.
212 ReplyDuh… yes, of course
20 Reply- Show More (26)
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