Ladies, Don't Bring Your Girl Down, To Lift Yourself Up! 🚺

This isn't only among women by the way. Men y'all are guilty of this too, but NOWHERE NEAR as much :P I'm just giving it to the ladies today. ๐Ÿšบ

Ok so I'm pointing out an observation I've noticed here on GaG, and the only reason I don't see it as much in real life is because I believe... well, we're all a just a liiiittle less blunt in real life are we not?

I have seen SO many questions posted by women lately of this nature:

  • "Which girl looks prettier/est?

  • "Which of these girls would you date?"

  • "Rate my cousin/sister/friend?"

  • "Guys, do you like skinny girls or curvy girls?" [fun fact: this was my first ever question here. i had insecurities ok? -.-]

  • "Guys, how would you prefer a girl's body?"

  • "Pick the hottest girl!"

  • "Who are the hottest girls here on GaG?"

  • "Who is more seductive/sexy?"

You get the idea. and yes these are all real questions i simply found from heading to the How Do I Look Topic.

Here's the real question some of you might have: What the hell is your problem with these questions girl? Well... take a seat.

Ladies, Don't Bring Your Girl Down, To Lift Yourself Up. ๐Ÿšบ

These questions arguably enforce beauty ideals that we as a generation should aim to eventually destroy. ๐Ÿšบ

To any Negative Nancies who popped into this Take, wasuuup ๐Ÿ˜Ž If u tell me "we can never get rid of beauty ideals", dont get ahead of yourselves. -.- I am not going to mention abolishing this problem at all, because it will never completely cease to exist.

Keyword: Aim- to have the intention of achieving.

see that? the INTENTION.

When you have an aim, a purpose, you STRIVE towards that. If you get what you want, amazing. If you don't, you still hustled for it, and that's the part i'm stressing. You need to make the effort. You need to have an intention. What's the intention?

To CRUSH the beauty ideals in my view of the world.

YES IT IS POSSIBLE. Don't tell me it isn't, because I've spent a long time trying to do this, and I've recently done it. I'm bloody proud of it.

I'm not tryna be no Ghandi or Mother Teresa here ok? -.- I'm just a woman pointing out a serious problem among the rest of my fellow women that is seriously damaging the way we see each other.

Ladies, Don't Bring Your Girl Down, To Lift Yourself Up! ๐Ÿšบ

Girls, Ladies.... Gentlemen. If we keep stacking women up against each other, it only creates divisons between us. You wanna place girls in boxes? Fine, but all you're doing is making life troublesome for yourself and other women around u.

~Do you know how you can start making a difference? DON'T encourage these questions.

"Which girl looks prettier/est? ~They're both/all gorgeous, in their own ways, because they can be. Shocking right?

"Which of these girls would you date?" ~Some men would date one, some would date the other. Heck, some would date both. That's one of the best things about men. They appreciate beauty in all its forms.

"Rate my cousin/sister/friend?" ~Why on earth are you putting your own loved one on the line? Aren't they amazing in your eyes? You'd know them better than any of us. Who is that question really about? Them, or a confidence boost for you?

"Guys do you like skinny girls or curvy girls?" ~Again, for every single body type out there, there are quite a few men who have an appreciation for it. THERE IS NO RIGHT OR WRONG. get that through your head. It certainly took awhile to get through mine.

"Guys, how would you prefer a girl's body?" ~AGAIN. See? I mean why?

"Pick the hottest girl!" ~I refuse. Know why? because in my mind, there no longer exists a scale for beauty. Makes no sense.

"Who are the hottest girls here on GaG?" ~WE ARE ALL SEXY AS FUCK. There, I said it. Anyone got a problem with that? ๐Ÿ”ซ

"Who is more seductive/sexy?" ~How on earth are we supposed to know based on a photo? Anyone can pose seductively, you just kinda... have to look stoned๐Ÿ˜... but serious๐Ÿ˜’.... and angry๐Ÿ˜ ... yet calm๐Ÿ˜Œ.

Enough is Enough. ๐Ÿšบ

I have no objection to asking about how YOU look by the way. Don't get me wrong here.You want other people to tell YOU how pretty/handsome u look, whatever, go for it. What I have a problem with is placing yourself or other people against each other like y'all r in some kinda competition.

You're supposed to empower each other, not put each other down!

Enough already!

It's enough that the woman is the subject of the male gaze in the media.

It's enough that we're overly sexualised as it is, as little girls AND as women.

It's enough that we are pressured to have the perfect hair, face, body, outfit every damn day.

It's enough that we're still facing issues of gender equality in 2015.

It's enough that we're already so stupid as a society to allow things like racism, sexuality, gender, class, religion, culture, etc to STILL create divisions between us!

So after all of that, why on earth do YOU feel entitled, woman, to go up against your OWN GENDER and point out our flaws? What, the rest of the world isn't doing a good enough job already? You think that girl isn't already aware of her own flaws? Thank you Missy but you didn't need to tell her because guess what? she's aware of her flaws ALL. THE. DAMN. TIME.


If this is about you wanting 'confidence', time to throw your desire for confidence out the window, lady. Because THAT kind of confidence, is poison. Anything that lifts you up to bring others down is POISON. You throw that useless feeling away.

When you wanna look within YOURSELF, to improve YOURSELF, that's when you know you have attained a healthy confidence- when you are content with yourself based on your perception of yourself and no one else.

Ladies, Don't Bring Your Girl Down, To Lift Yourself Up! ๐Ÿšบ

And finally... Dear Woman,

Know your worth.

You are beautiful, you are funny, you are smart.

You have a lovely heart, a dazzling soul, and an infectious smile.

Keep it classy, keep it fresh, keep them on their toes.

You are not a number. You are not the opinion of someone else. You are not an object.

Hold your heart in your hands, keep your head held high, walk proud, lioness.

Arm yourself with strength to face your fears, courage to face your flaws, and acceptance to embrace them. To love them.

And then, when you finally do that... pass it on, and lift up other women with you.

Love y'all. ๐Ÿšบ๐Ÿšบ๐Ÿšบ๐Ÿšบ๐Ÿšบ๐Ÿšบ๐Ÿšบ๐Ÿšบ

Ladies, Don't Bring Your Girl Down, To Lift Yourself Up! ๐Ÿšบ



Ladies, Don't Bring Your Girl Down, To Lift Yourself Up! 🚺
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