Feminism Isn't a Fad or a Compulsion, It's a Sisterhood

Feminism Isn't a Compulsion.
When I think of the word “Feminist”, I think of the support of women rights and equality. Understanding the meaning of a feminist isn’t a fad or a compulsion, meaning these things aren’t forced into reality or crazed over. When I think of feminist, I think of the second wave when women protested in the 1960s to the 70s. I think of Susan B. Anthony, Lucy Stone, Faith Ringgold, or Malala Yousafzai. We don’t think about these women today.

I believe in equality. And I believe there is no difference between a woman and a man. I even believe that woman is more powerful than men. - Malala Yousafzai

Like love, feminism isn’t a gloat or a brag, and it is not malign. That would go against its definition. Instead, it is a belief that rests quietly unless it becomes a topic, then we have to pull out facts, of course. But, there is no need for it be shouted or proclaimed. Feminism just simply exists. It doesn’t define who you are, but most likely improve who you are.

It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the people, who formed the union - Susan B. Anthony

Feminism Isn't a Fad or a Compulsion, It's a Sisterhood

Feminism shows that women are equally capable like men. We aren’t saying that women are better than men, of course not. That would defy logic and physics, right? A woman has to work harder to build the same muscle mass as men, but a man can never carry a child. Each gender provides what the other lacks in society. We are all humans, obviously.

I just decided when someone says you can't do something, do more of it. - Faith Ringgold

This “Feminist Compulsion” embodies all the wrong things for the right reasons. I am all for the courage stance, and believing that women have equal rights to be a bodybuilder, but it has gone TOO far. Feminists are about responding to injustices, not reacting. Saying you are a feminist doesn’t make you a popular kid, but being one in an every movement every day, that makes a true feminist. Especially on the Internet, it is important to remember the ambition for our actions in order to justify them.

We are not representing females in a flattering light if we forget what we are fighting for. Be a feminist, be tough. Be individualistic. Be solicitous. Be an emotional being. Be revolutionary. Be a FEMINIST. Don’t get upset when you see or hear other women saying, that being a feminist is a toxic culture. This movement embarks on unity and sisterhood.

I believe that the influence of a woman will save our country before every other power. - Lucy Stone



Feminism Isn't a Fad or a Compulsion, It's a Sisterhood
Post Opinion