A Look At Snobby Females

A Look At Snobby Females

The snobby female has been a topic of wonder and discussion for a long time, and although I did get over caring about them in years past, recently I have given it some new thought, and I really don’t know why to be honest.

Some time ago out of the blue I posted a poll on Google+ asking people who they think can be snobbier/more stuck-up, men or women. As expected, most people - both men and women - out of over 600 voters picked women in a landslide of 82%, while a measly 12% said men (which I think most of those people picked just for kicks, lol). It’s just a small social media poll, I know, but I did find it interesting and wonder what the results would be on a much wider scale. So since then I got to thinking about it more and wanted to write this. I guess I’m mostly just talking about it here, and you may have some ideas of your own.

A Look At Snobby Females

Screenshot of my Google+ poll. Tried to make it a lot sharper but this is the best I could do.

It’s been a long overused cliche comeback from females that men who call women stuck up are just mad because he got turned down and rejected, a comeback they often seem to think works for every situation with how guys feel or explains each one when it doesn’t. Even other women perceive the snobbery of their gender, so are they mad that other women don’t want them either? This isn’t about the dating scene or how a girl responds to some guy at a club or party, I’m talking about the real everyday life. And I know, I know. Some of the females are actually gonna try to convince me and you that men are either just as snobby as women or snobbier, and some of the guys are gonna play noble neutrality and say “It’s really not a gender thing.” Although there are no doubt snobby men out there - and I’ve met some myself - it isn’t necessary to pretend being unbiased about a topic I think the majority of us do perceive to be mostly a thing with females.

“You’re overthinking it,” may be the usual predictable response to a Take like this by the folks who like trying to be witty, snappy, or smart, and my answer would be: I am a thinker, and I’m pretty observant of personalities, behaviors, and characteristics, so I am talking about what I think here, yes. It doesn’t have to matter to you, but I would like to share for anyone who wants to engage.


There are some women who actually do admit that their gender is snobbier but only if they can blame it on men, other people, or their circumstances. Some women have the attitude that you have to be a bitch to get ahead in the world or be respected, but this is really just an excuse for them to want to act like one. There’s a difference between being a bitch and being firm and not letting people walk all over you, and some women think the former is really necessary. In the same way, they seem to think that snobbery is a You-better-take-me-seriously signal they can send when all it does is repel people and get you less respect. Often they’ve filled themselves up with ideas that the world is so against women, or that they’ve had it the roughest or worst as a woman. They’ve used up a lot of inner energy and headspace holding people in contempt for their ideas and the way they feel that they make themselves into something people really do hate.

A Look At Snobby Females

People generally are not interested in someone who is stuck up unless they’re the same way or actually find that to be a sexy trait (I’ve heard strange stories). They don’t want to be friends with you when you’re a snob, they don’t want to date you, and they don’t want to work with you if you’re standoff-ish. Snobby women usually know this, but aren’t going to change and feel justified in being the way they are. They will feel that no one likes them and resent men for not approaching them and thinking the way they think about them, yet not see the link to why that is the case.

A self-defense mechanism ?...

Part of me thinks snobbiness in women may be a weak form of self-defense from not just men but the rest of the world, especially if these women are not very confident in themselves or feel very awkward having to be around other people. So snobbiness is her way of letting people know she doesn’t want to talk to them and doesn’t want them to talk to her either. Does that make it acceptable? Not by far. You are going to be in this world with many other people and you are going to have to interact with them sooner or later too. Better get started now.

However, in situations of attraction, some snobs have been told they’re pretty again and again by guys or say that “so many guys are always hitting on them,” and I usually take it with a grain of salt. Often times a woman will take basic male attention or compliments and try to blow it up to be a lot more than it really is to make herself seem very sexually important or desired, thus will pretend being snobby towards males under the guise of defending herself from “getting hit on” any further. In actuality, women who really do get lots of attention generally don’t talk about it much or act snobbish or dismissive with men but really the opposite, and when they do talk about it it’s usually just a simple acknowledgement of the fact in any average conversation with friends.

A Look At Snobby Females

And then you have women who only act snobby with other women because they either think they’re better and prettier than they are, or because it is in some real defense resulting from bad experiences with women in the past, like in highschool or college or having women be jealous of them, betray them, or gossip about them. So they feel like they need to be snobby with their own gender to deflect ‘bitches’ or protect against possibilities of new scrutiny or ridicule. But again, that isn’t the answer. Showing snobbiness will still get you hated.

A Look At Snobby Females

Usually a case with younger women…

No doubt, I’ve met older women who are terribly stuck up, but snobbery tends to be far more common in younger women than in older ones. And the irony of it is that if anyone were to have more of a reason or be more qualified to be stuck up it would be older women because they’ve seen more life, have more experience, have more knowledge, and know how to handle people better, yet younger females who haven’t even really begun to learn half as much about life as olders are the foulest and seem to think they’re in a position to feel superior and are not by far.

A Look At Snobby Females

The job I work now is very predominantly female, and many of the older women I work with are fine. They speak and acknowledge you - some don’t though because they’re unhappy - we get along and connect quite well and they are easier to work with, while the vast majority of younger females are total snobs, especially the ones in their early 20s. They will either keep to themselves, or only want to talk to the guys they’re infatuated with and who give them the time of day, or have a giggly, gossipy sisterhood among themselves. They put their heads down when they walk past you so they don’t have to speak, or look silly pretending to be on their phones. Some of the younger women really are okay and we do fine together, but most are snobbish. But of course, my job isn't the only place I see this and experience it, but in almost any situation in every day life, from the train station to the mall to the grocery store.

So why with younger women? It probably is just another trait of the self-centeredness of the younger generation, a false sense of feeling that you’re too good for certain people or most people yet your social and communication skills are poor and limited and you still don’t even have nearly enough to offer in life but think you’re superior to your neighbors.

How to do deal with snobby women…

Some guys - and some females - do complain about snobby women and being unable to deal with them, and I guess it can get under your skin to a certain point, especially if you have to associate with them often or have them in your environment regularly. But the best way to deal with a snob is to treat her the same way she’s treating you and everyone else: act like she doesn’t exist.

A Look At Snobby Females

If it’s one thing a snobby woman cannot bear it’s being treated the same way she treats others. It’s like throwing gasoline and matches on the devil. And she especially hates it if you’re in a group with her and people she knows or people you know, and you acknowledge everyone but her, and then when they’re gone and it’s just the two of you, particularly in a work environment, and you’re still not speaking to her, it does get to her whether she shows it or not. I know this has been my experience many times in the past. She thinks highly of herself and has noticed that you block her out and she wonders why. Why doesn’t he/she think I’m the greatest like everyone else does? Why aren't they talking to me? What do they see in me that would make them think I’m unimportant? After awhile she starts breaking and making mousy efforts to be friendly or speak here and there, and that’s how you know it worked.

And to really top the cake, if you’re a guy and you’re blocking her out while you’ve developed a friendship with other people she knows, especially if it’s a flirty, friendly one with her female friends, that really makes her burn. I love that the most.

So if you're in a situation like this, simply treat her as unimportant as she thinks she isn't and she usually comes down to earth, and if not, keep doing it anyway. Snobby women like it when their snobbery gets to people. Don't give them the satisfaction they're looking for. Hit their ego between the legs with pure indifference. Act like they don't matter.

So what is it?...

To me, snobbiness in women seems to come down to ego mostly. People usually say that men have bigger egos than women, but I don’t really think that’s true. I do think it might apply in areas where men think they’re experts on a certain thing or think they understand something the best, and if they have a big job or career that gives them elevated self importance, but in overall every day life I would have to say I think the bigger ego belongs to women, and you may have heard me talk about this before.

I also think it is a result of a severe brokenness inside. And when I say brokenness I mean their inner mind and spirit is just a total mess not caused by other people like they think, but caused by their own lack, emptiness, and poor development. Some of us can see right through them while they do a good job at fooling others. I'll finish this Take by letting a quote speak for itself:

A Look At Snobby Females


A Look At Snobby Females
Post Opinion