Survivor's Arrogance of Women

Not so long ago, here used to be a time when male power went completely unchecked. The majority shared in a common sub-status to men even in this country and as a result they were at the mercy of the whims of those men.

Survivor's Arrogance of Women

And a lot of those women suffered. And of those women who suffered a few, strong women survived. They did not allow the sharp male power and weak male ego defeat them. They figured out a way to do with less and make a way for themselves even with their sub-status.

But, these women were survivors not because they wanted to be, but because they had to be. They had no other choice, they were trying to live they were trying to build decent lives for themselves and their children.

But it seems a lot of women today, it seems especially in minority races that have "suffered" as a race as well as gender though I've seen white girls fall into this a bit as well, have clung onto this idea of the "survivor" woman. This is a woman who has had a lot of crap thrown at her by men and yet risen and survived and doesn't need anyone. She knows how to tolerate a high degree of badness that would break most people regardless of gender, or so the thinking goes.

Survivor's Arrogance of Women

Only the problem is these haven't usually been in inescapably bad situations. They always had the opportunity to leave and choose different routes and avenues in life. Furthermore, a lot of the sufferings were easily avoidable unlike the real survivor women who have very few good options at their disposal. These women seem to revel in the legacy of the female survivor. Perhaps their mother was this woman. Or, perhaps they just find a lot of power and confidence in a woman who can get through anything. But again, these women often create their own drama and do nothing to fix it or get out of it. Rather they just silently suffer through and then tell the world how bad they had it and how they were strong enough to survive it. It's not strength at this point, it's arrogance.

Survivor's Arrogance of Women

It's arrogance and it's fake because you are not a survivor. You're just dumb like the rest of us. No one's blaming you, we all make dumb choices as kids and young adults, but when you become adult it's time to start taking responsibility for making your own life good. No matter how much you've suffered there's far more people than not who have suffered worse than you. When some girl tells me how mean one of her exes was to her and how she no longer puts up with any crap, I'm like good but i'm not going to sympathize with you. I've had horrible exes and maybe they didn't abuse me like yours did but I see no strength in your ability to keep going mainly because again you weren't married you could have left you chose not to. I forgive you for being dumb, I don't admire you for surviving abuse when it was your choice.

Survivor's Arrogance of Women

Realize, women, that a survivor is a reluctant victim. Having a victim identity at all is a bad thing because it puts you at the mercy of things outside of your control. There's stories of people accomplishing amazing things even though they were born to incredible disadvantage. Get over yourself and your own ego. I don't think even other victims admire "Survivors" and i know a lot of women who go through crap in their life want props for it. I respect a person far more who doesn't brag about all they had to climb because it shows they are humble.

Survivor's Arrogance of Women

Guys, chances are women are not going to stop with this survivor crap just because we want them to so I'm writing this to say you don't have to feel bad because of what some guy did to her before you even knew her. Ask yourself this, could she have gotten out of it? Did she not have parents to take care of her? Did she not have a job and resources of her own? And if she's in such a bad way, you should not date her but send her to social services. I know this sounds cold but it's just the truth of the matter.

And everyone, stop feeling so damn sorry for yourself. Just pick yourself up and get back in the game and stop feeling like you're special.

Survivor's Arrogance of Women
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