40 Things Every Man Should Know

Since my ’40 Things Every Woman Should Know’ article was such a success, I decided to do another version for the male readers. WeaponZero gave me the idea of “doing one that’s the other way around.” So I did. I found this rough version online (courtesy of Datingish.com) and tweaked it.

So read on, men, to gain insight into the female mind. Disclaimer: Ladies – Understand these are generalizations about female behavior and thinking; I know there are exceptions to every rule.

1. Saying, "I love you" or doing other cutesy things doesn’t count if they're only done when you're in trouble. In fact, they will be completely ignored.
2. We can't promise that we won't get mad when you tell the truth, but we WILL be even madder if you lie.
3. Women like frequent, small shows of affection. Gross PDA is not encouraged, but things like a quick hug from behind or running your hand across our shoulders or the small of our back as you walk by is adorable and spine tingling.
4. We can tell when you call because you feel like you have to and not because you want to.
5. Contrary to popular belief, most women won't try to blackmail you with sex, but if we're unhappy with you, we won't be "in the mood". If you want some action, you need to make us happy.
6. We look at how you treat your mother, how you treat your "inferiors", and how you act around children when evaluating you as a potential life-mate.
7. Even nice girls like suggestive things whispered to them in public and behind closed doors.
8. It's cheating as soon as you're doing something you wouldn't want us catching you doing.
9. We don't always talk about our problems because we expect you to fix them. Sometimes we just want a sympathetic ear.
10. Most women keep everything from past boyfriends (love letters, pictures, cards, stuffed animals, etc). They're mementos, not proof that we haven't moved on.
11. No quality woman will expect you to blow hundreds of dollars on her for pricey dates and expensive gifts.
12. But surprises and the occasional outing will earn you brownie points.
13. If a girl gives you something cheesy and home-made, it means she really likes you.
14. We ask questions we already know the answers to. It's not to trap you; it's to give you a chance to come clean.
16. We will judge you if you spend more time on your appearance than we do.
17. Don't shave your chest unless you could be mistaken for a gorilla.
18. Acknowledge it when we leave you cute surprises or messages, or you won't get them anymore.
19. Foreplay is very important.
20. Even if we respect and love them, we don't want to be compared to our mothers.
21. We're less likely to bite your head off when we're PMSing, if you are patient with our mood swings. Even better if you give us chocolate. Just NEVER EVER say, "It must be that time of the month..."
22. You don't have to become best friends forever, but you have to try to get along with our friends. It really is the effort that counts.
23. When a woman apologizes to avoid a fight, "I’m sorry" actually means, "I’m sorry you're stupid and disagree."
24. We know men are usually oblivious to subtlety, but, for some reason, we'll still try.
25. Sorry to pop the myth, but women have bodily functions too.
26. Once you've fallen in a toilet, you'll understand why we ask you to put the seat down.
27. We like sex just as much as you do, if not more.
28. We like to know what you're thinking. The mysterious brooding type may be sexy at first, but it gets old fast.
29. Playfulness turns us on. Women like to tease and be teased.
30. We aren't as obsessed with your size as you probably are.
31. We become insecure if you never bring us around your friends or your parents.
32. Most women can take care of themselves, but it's cute when you're A LITTLE protective of us. Small things like calling to make sure we made it home safely go a long way. (That's also why we have you get rid of bugs -- that small demonstration of taking care of us or the paralyzing fear of anything that crawls that sets in).
33. Once you tell us to do something, we won't do it even if we were going to before you ordered. So make your own damn sandwich. And if you want to get back on your girl's good side, make her one while you're at it.
34. A woman is not a vagina with legs.
35. Women are more susceptible to UTIs, so wash your hands.
36. We find you sexy when you're driving, fixing things, working out, singing, playing an instrument, and playing with children.
37. When watching a movie together, cuddling is a must.
38. We want to be the most important thing in your life. Or at least ahead of gaming, pokemon, and your favorite band.
39. Don't talk about the porn you watch.
40. If you love us, tell us. Don't assume that we know.

Care to add anything, ladies?
40 Things Every Man Should Know
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