How Females Work...

How females work...

...and why you don't understand them, even some of who you are one.

Humans have a simple psychology - that manifests complexly. They want to feel safe and provided with resources. All the things they do arise out of these.

(You might say that humans mainly are driven to procreate and eat. The former is a form of safety, of the species, though more importantly of their own essence (see Richard Dawkins' THE SELFISH GENE, which I think is still relevant). The latter is a providence of resources. And humans are compelled to far more than those, else we wouldn't be here as we are.)

Where males want to be aligned with and followed, females want to be friendly and feel supported. Females want to be able to depend on males to be whatever the females consider social, proper, and contributing. Any lack equals loser-ness.

(Males can be this way about others, but oftenly feel superior to them - more important, entitled to things. It also means less competition.)

Females feel abandoned, disregarded, by the losers. They feel a sharp, deep resentment of them - which brings a low-level anger - and blame the losers 'for making them feel that way'. Worse, many females would rather project it inward, feel guiilty instead of resentful as my mom says, covering over the resentment and anger like a festering pustule - creating more resentment and anger, like salt in an open wound. Spiral.....

In my experience the apparent exceptions are care-giver types - those in medical and education, organization volunteers - apparent meaning they have behavioral traits that co-exist with, and can per circumstance overshadow, the above. Socio-economic and domestic circumstances, and emotional quirks, can keep those qualities from being triggered/expressing.

Socio-economic and domestic conditions can also white-wash male loser-ness. 'Oh, I don't care because they aren't a part of my life'. The female will feel the above, but is distracted from it, unless the male in question is high profile in society.

Now that you're armed, what to do? What will you do?

How Females Work...
17 Opinion