Some insights into being a woman

Many men dont understand the life of woman. I am going to give a glimpse into it. There are many pros and many cons into being a woman, I may miss some and some of these men may relate to.

Getting ready for a date

Some insight into being a woman.

Women mostly feel pressured to look amazing. They take forever finding the correct clothes to wear. They wanna look good but not look as if they're trying to hard, when in realty they are trying very hard. It has to make them look hot but not slutty. Having to take all the time, then they have to do their make up. They then have to decide between natural, making it match or going without. If we make one mistake we have to completely redo it. Then we move on to hair. For those who have thin and straight hair, we have to find a way to style it, i.e. curling or braiding, depending on the outfit. For those of us like me with thick and/or curly hair, we have to tame it. Straightening it is usually what we go for if we have this hairstyle. Then the shoes. Heels? They may look amazing but extremely uncomfortable, plus we have to be careful when we walk and not let our knees bend. We can't even take them off without fear of our feet smelling or stepping in something. Boots don't go with all outfits so sometimes its not even an option. Sandals and flats are sometimes the best choice because they usually go great with the outfit and don't always hurt as much. Depending on the outfit, we have to shave everything, or else we may feel very self concious. We stress over the tiniest details especially if we like the person.


Some insights into being a woman

I know we may seem dramatic about our periods but most of the time, we're down playing it. Cramps can be so bad, it feels like knives in our uterus. Bloating makes us feel fatter than we may already feel. The hormone inbalance rises, causing us to be more emotional. Each girl is different when it comes to their periods. Sometimes the flow is real heavy, we have to change our pad or tampon many times during the day. Sometimes it's light, and only need one or two a day. They can last between 4 days and a week. Periods may cause sore boobs too, making them swell up and be tender to touch. If anything hits our breasts, it hurts like hell. Periods may also cause extreme headaches, like a hammer is pounding away in your skull. Not just headaches, also backaches. We just want to lay down and cry sometimes. Lets not foget we have to pay a lot of money for tampons, pads, midol/ibuprofen. If our period is a week or so late, even for us virgins, we worry we're pregnant. Also, when we sneeze, cough, or laugh too hard, we can feel the blood gushing out more. We can't wear white pants, leggings or anything tight. Usually we wear jeans or sweat pants.

Catcalling and sexual harassment

Some insights into being a woman

Keep in mind, I am not saying all men do this. If a woman looks nice and is walking down the street, "hey sexy" "Nice tits hottie" "Wanna come by my place?" Are all examples of cat calling. These are not compliments, these are unwanted come ons. Getting our ass's slapped or squeezed, even if we are wearing bottoms that show off our rear, is very unwanted and a form of sexual harassment. Some men don't realize that flirting, and continuing to flirt after she clearly rejects you, is a form of harassment. Women find men that cat call, to be douchebags, most of the time. I am not speaking for all women, it depends on the individual.

Body image

Some insights into being a woman

This may apply to most, if not all females. Society places many expectations. We get judged if we dont wear make up. We get judged if we do wear make up and some men believe when we wear make up it is for them or it is a 'lie'. If we have any fat on our bodies, we may feel very fat. If we're a little pudgy, we're considered fat. There's all this "real women have ____ bodies." Like no, incorrect.. There is no wrong way to HAVE a body. Us women get shit on for not having any self esteem, cause we're "fishing for compliements" or something. But if we're self confident then we're a cocky bitch. There is a difference between cocky and confident. We feel self concious about being too skinny, too fat, acne, our eyebrows, our noses, foreheads, eyes, lips, ears. If there is something about our body, we will find a flaw in it.


Some insights into being a woman

This is a very big deal, as the hormones make you very emotional, irritable. We crave a certain food because the baby does. It makes our breasts swell and be very sore, it gives us back aches as there is a lot of weight on the front, and the baby pushes up against our spine sometimes. We have to deal with the baby possibly being unhealthy, dying or having something wrong with it. There is a lot of stress to deal with. Also, when we're delivering the baby, it stretches the vagina open causing immense pain. The contractions may feel as if there is a cement brick in our uterus and someone is just pulling at it, trying to pull it from our vagina. Pregnancy is one big ball of pain.

Relationships and dating

Some insights into being a woman

This is a very difficult thing to describe when it comes to women. I am going to go into as much detail as I can. I already explained how much effort it takes to get ready for a date. Well women become clingy, jealous, protective and attached. I speak for myself when I say that I will be jealous if I see another woman flirting with my boyfriend. I think every woman does but some handle it differently. Some, like I, would just insert myself into the conversation somehow. Others will be more direct and basically make the other woman back off in fear. When a girl is interested in someone, they may seem off-standish and kind of reserved. This may be for being self-consious, having trust issues or having been heart broken before. If a woman rejects the advances of a man she likes, those are usually the reasons why. (Atleast thats what I think why.) Women each have their own ways of dealing with their boyfriend (or girlfriend.) I'm gonna leave this alone now.

Hormones and emotions

Some insights into being a woman

We all react differently. Men (and lesbians), I advise you to tread carefully. Women are complicated in this department and although I would love to explain it to you, I can only speak for myself.

This is all I have for now. If I think of a lot more, I will make a second part to this, and I will...attempt to make one of these for men, from the views of a woman.

Some insights into being a woman
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